Aces of Trades: From an early age, Ty Wertman knew he was an educator

CHILLICOTHE – Sometimes, you just know.

“I remember my middle school aptitude tests recommending I consider a career in education,” said Ty Wertman, “so from a very early age I determined I wanted to be a teacher. From an early age I loved hearing my grandparents talk about history so that’s how I homed in on becoming a history teacher. Plus, I’ve always been a voracious reader and have read books about history for as long as I can remember.”

Zane Trace High School principal Ty Wertman stands in the hallway at Zane Trace High School on Feb. 10, 2023 in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Zane Trace High School principal Ty Wertman stands in the hallway at Zane Trace High School on Feb. 10, 2023 in Chillicothe, Ohio.

“I think most kids need plenty of time to determine their career path,” he added. “I just happened to be one of the rare few who knew from an early age what direction I was going.”

Today, Wertman is principal at Zane Trace High School.

“I really didn't consider administration until right before I became a principal,” he said. “I enjoyed my time as a teacher and then as a school counselor and just never imagined myself going into an administrator role. My predecessor, Todd Holdren, and our current superintendent, Jerry Mowery, are really responsible for my decision to become a principal. Without their encouragement and support I would likely not have chosen the path I’m on now.”

Wertman grew up between Hallsville and Adelphi. He graduated from Zane Trace and then spent the next six years at Ohio University in Athens, earning an undergraduate degree in social studies education followed by a master’s in school counseling.

“I started my career at Zane Trace in 2007,” he recalled. “As I was finishing up my master’s degree in counseling, I mailed out applications highlighting my qualifications as a licensed teacher and counselor at nearly every school in central Ohio. I sent my resume to Zane Trace just like all the other schools. I really envisioned myself getting an opportunity near Columbus first. Zane Trace just happened to have an open social studies position and was the first school to contact me for an interview. At the time I felt like it wasn’t prudent to pass on any job opportunity, so I accepted. It’s funny how things seemed to work out.”

Zane Trace Local Schools Superintendent Jerry Mowery is glad they did.

“Mr. Wertman is one of the most genuine, caring people I have ever met,” assessed Mowery. “Ty is a great family man who brings the same compassion to work every day for the staff and students at Zane Trace. Ty is a team player who serves with integrity and I’ve truly enjoyed my time working with him. He plays a crucial role in the success of our district and always displays a positive attitude.”

“I can’t imagine anyone working in education if their heart wasn’t in it,” Wertman responded. “There’s so much to deal with beyond the educational component that someone in education would burn out way too quickly if they were in this for the wrong reason. The job itself is extremely challenging and not without some very tough times, but there are so many rewarding aspects of my job that always bring things back into focus. And getting to be a part of student growth and achievement, however large or small that part is, is an incredibly gratifying feeling.”

Zane Trace High School is located at 946 OH-180 in Chillicothe. For more information, log on

About the Series

Aces of Trades is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs – whether they're unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at or 740-349-1110.

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Aces of Trades: From an early age, Ty Wertman knew he was an educator