Aces of Trades: Finding Center a destination for a well-balanced life

MARION — She became the entrepreneur she never expected.

“As a child, I was an avid participant in clubs and events,” recalled Jennifer Lawson, “often volunteering myself and friends for various activities. Described by some as assertive and driven, I naturally gravitated toward leadership roles even at a young age. Becoming an entrepreneur was not something I considered.”

Today, Lawson is owner of the Finding Center, a combination boutique, yoga and fitness studio.

“For years,” she said, “a close friend and I envisioned a space for women to build camaraderie, personally and professionally. In June, the opportunity to acquire Finding Center arose, aligning perfectly with our aspirations.”

Jennifer Lawson
Jennifer Lawson

An educator by training; a yogi for peace

Lawson grew up in Marion, graduated from Marion Harding High School in 1996, earned a bachelor's degree from Muskingum College with a triple major in psychology, elementary education, and early childhood development, then a master’s from Ashland University in curriculum and instruction and education administration, along with a superintendent license.

“Although my professional background lies in education and leadership, not business or wellness,” she said, “I’ve always been passionate about supporting and empowering others, especially women. Over 15 years as an education administrator and now as an education and culture specialist with Focus 3, mentoring and aiding women in the education profession became a calling. Connecting people, building encouraging relationships, and providing coaching and training have been essential aspects of this work.

“During 2020 I discovered a love for yoga,” Lawson continued. “My introduction to yoga was about finding personal peace – a space where I could escape decision-making and just be with myself. This love for yoga, particularly at Finding Center, led me to an unexpected opportunity. In August 2023, I had the chance to purchase the business from Marie Denton, the original owner.”

Nicolle Willis is a friend, customer and event planner with Nicolle Willis Design Company.

“I’m incredibly impressed by Jennifer’s fearless venture into this new domain,” Willis said. “Her go-getter attitude doesn’t surprise me – she willingly embraces additional leadership roles and challenges. She is a dear friend, and I couldn’t be happier for her.

“And,” Willis added, “the integration of her family, with Ryan and Lilly pitching in, is admirable.”

A destination to cultivate a well-balanced life

“Finding Center transcends being simply a boutique and a yoga studio,” responded Lawson. “It’s a destination for cultivating a well-balanced life. Our lifestyle boutique caters to women with all body types, showcasing the latest fashion trends. The wellness studio offers diverse classes, from hot yoga to Zumba, providing a haven for fitness enthusiasts. And it has been so rewarding to begin this new journey with my husband Ryan and daughter Lilly.”

Aces of Trades is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs – whether they’re unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: Aces of Trades: Finding Center yoga studio and boutique