Adam Rippon shares his killer 10-minute ab workout

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Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon may be taking a break from the ice right now, but he's still making time to work out. Rippon shared his short, but effective, 10-minute ab routine in TODAY's Olympic-themed workout on TODAY All Day. His moves will leave your core burning. All you need is a yoga mat to begin.

Super set 1:

Perform this series three times.

  • Crunches (20 reps): Place feet on the ground and lift your upper body off of the ground, keeping arms behind your head and refrain from straining your neck.

  • Penguins (20 reps): While on your back with your knees bent, alternate touching each foot with each hand. Perform 10 reps on each side.

Super set 2:

Perform this series three times.

  • Hollow hold: Raise your legs and upper body off of the ground and hold this position for five seconds.

  • Toe touches (10 reps): Raise your legs in the air and bring your fingertips to touch your toes.

Super set 3:

Perform this series once, but hold each plank for 30 seconds.

  • Plank: Place your hands under your shoulders in a pushup position with feet shoulder width apart and hold.

  • Right side plank: From regular plank, shift your weight to your right arm and lift the other to the sky while pivoting your body in a side-facing position. If this is too difficult, lower the lower knee to the ground.

  • Left side plank: Repeat on the other side.

  • Forearm plank hold: Resume plank position but lower onto your forearms.

To complete the rest of this Olympic relay workout, watch the full video above with extra moves from Olympians Ashleigh Johnson and Meghan Musnicki.