Adam Schiff argues Trump's witness blocking is creating 'a very powerful' obstruction case

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is not pleased with a former top State Department aide's decision to ignore a congressional subpoena to testify in the House impeachment inquiry. But he does apparently think it could, in roundabout fashion, help the pro-impeachment case, Politico reports.

Charles Kupperman, who served as a deputy to former National Security Adviser John Bolton, skipped out on a scheduled deposition in which he was expected to be asked about the White House's interactions with Ukraine, because he was unsure of whether to comply with the subpoena or follow the White House's instructions not to cooperate. The confusion actually prompted Kupperman to file a lawsuit in the hopes of receiving official judiciary authority over whether he should adhere to the legislative or executive branch.

Schiff all but said he doesn't have the patience for the courts to figure that out right now and is considering holding Kupperman in contempt of Congress. But the congressman does see a silver lining in the saga that could benefit his Democratic colleagues, as well. Schiff made the case Monday that President Trump continuing to block witnesses like Kupperman from testifying during the inquiry has formed "a very powerful case against the president for obstruction, an article of impeachment based on obstruction." Read more at Politico.