Add these hearty, colorful flowers to your garden

Coneflowers (or Echinacea) can sparkle in the perennial garden from summer into fall. Plant breeders have introduced a variety of colors and flower shapes. These tough plants are a must-have for their color and long bloom time.

Culture. Plant in full sun to part-shade in well-drained soil. Once established, they are drought-tolerant. They are not heavy feeders; a slow-release fertilizer in the spring once the foliage has emerged is enough. Regular deadheading will extend bloom time. Most varieties are extremely hardy, even down to zone 2; however, check plant tags since newer varieties may not be as cold hardy.

Problems. Eriophyid mites can live inside the flower buds, resulting in distorted flowers. A virus called "Aster Yellows", transmitted by leafhoppers, is a major problem, causing stunted and deformed growth to the plant and flowers. Coneflowers with Aster Yellows need to be removed and destroyed since there is no cure. Proper sanitation and cleaning up debris in the fall will help reduce problems.

Gardening:Watch out for harmful plants including poison ivy, wild parsnip

Echinacea is considered by many to be a native plant. While it's native to North America, it's not native to New York. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't have horticultural value. The Mt. Cuba Center Trial Gardens in Delaware evaluate both native plants and cultivars for horticultural and ecological value. Their recent coneflower trials provide information on what cultivars are the best for gardeners to consider. Visit their website at for more information.

With the variety of coneflowers out there, you can become addicted to them; but that's not a bad thing! Visit our Parker F. Scripture Botanical Garden to see coneflowers and more in bloom. The gardens are open and free to the public. Come for a visit and see what's blooming!

Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County answers home and garden questions that can be emailed to or call 315-736-3394, press 1 and then Ext 333. Leave your question, name and phone number. Questions are answered weekdays, 8am to 4 pm. Also, visit our website at or phone 315-736-3394, press 1 and then Ext 100.

This article originally appeared on Observer-Dispatch: Add color to your garden with coneflowers