Address America: Six-word slogans for the future

The Address America road tour in Charlotte concluded with six-word slogans from the Democratic National Convention, where people took to the campaign stump to speak out.

Between our time in Tampa and Charlotte, our team talked to hundreds of people, who had a wide range of campaign pitches that expressed their hopes and fears for America.

Address America: DNC Day Four from National Constitution Center on Vimeo.

Here are some of the slogans from North Carolina:

“Progress. Choice. Environment. Equality. Education. Compassion.”

“It’s all about the Supreme Court.”

“Change begins in our local communities.”

“To secure the blessings of liberty.”

“Education is key to our future.”

“Believing isn’t the problem. Take action. ”

“Preserve benefits for our wounded warriors. ”

If you want to make your own speech online, just visit the Address America website:

Selected speeches appear on the Address America website. As you’ll see, we have some very creative slogans! Address America: Your Six-Word Stump Speech features the following partners: SMITH Magazine, Comcast Newsmakers and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.

And you can watch video of all the slogans at our Vimeo channel at: