Adolescent incest survivor had to leave Florida for abortion, says Jacksonville Planned Parenthood doctor

June 2022: Hundreds came out in downtown Jacksonville to express disappointment in the U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 decision overturning the 1973 Roe vs. Wade case and eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion.

An adolescent patient came into a Jacksonville Planned Parenthood center seeking an abortion for a pregnancy she said was the result of incest, according to Dr. Shelly Tien, a provider at the clinic. But the middle school-aged girl wasn't able to get an abortion in Florida — she was past 15 weeks pregnant.

"That is heartbreaking as physicians, as healthcare providers," Tien said during a press conference this week. "To not be able to provide that service because of a restriction for a patient in such a terrible and violent situation, it is horrible."

Planned Parenthood then helped the patient leave Florida to get an abortion. Planned Parenthood did not disclose where the patient traveled to for the abortion, nor her exact age or whether she was local to Jacksonville.

The story was first reported by BuzzFeed.

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Health centers in Jacksonville and Tallahassee inundated with patients

Tien described another middle school-aged patient who arrived at Planned Parenthood's Jacksonville center recently seeking an abortion after traveling from several states away.

The girl arrived without shoes and basic necessities but wasn't able to get an abortion as she was also over 15 weeks pregnant. Employees at the center bought the patient shoes and other things her family needed. It's not clear whether this patient was sent out of Florida for an abortion or whether she got one. The doctor didn't mention if the pregnancy was a result of rape or incest.

"The more we talked the more scared and frustrated she became," Tien said of the child. "Trying to find the words to calm her and support her when I knew I couldn’t help her, I have to tell you, that was extraordinarily difficult.”

Florida's abortion law went into effect on July 1. It bans abortions after 15 weeks, even in cases of rape and incest.

Gov. Ron DeSantis will not speak about what stricter limits he’d support going forward, deflecting questions by saying he is focused on defending the new law against court challenges.

But DeSantis also has said that he plans to “work to expand pro-life protections.” Advocates on both sides of the issue have interpreted that as a push for a ban after six-weeks of pregnancy – a so-called fetal heartbeat ban similar to what neighboring Georgia has enacted.

Crist, a St. Petersburg Democratic congressman who was a Florida Republican governor, has said he will pledge to sign an executive order protecting abortion rights.

Planned Parenthood's health centers in Jacksonville and Tallahassee have been inundated with people seeking abortions, going from serving 30 to 40 patients a day to 80 or more, according to a release from the organization. More of the patients are also coming from outside of Florida as restrictions in neighboring states like Georgia and Alabama also tighten.

“In addition to managing a health center, we now have to be counselors, providers of basic human needs like clothing and food, and even travel agents,” said Ina McDonald, health center manager of the Tallahassee clinic. “Finding lodging for our out-of-state patients has become a daily responsibility.”

Lawmakers react to incest victim denied abortion

Florida Democrats, who have hammered Gov. Ron DeSantis and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio for their opposition to abortion during this year’s midterm elections campaign, called attention to the published report of an incest victim denied the chance to get an abortion in Florida to criticize the state’s leading Republicans.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist said Florida’s abortion law “is not just cruel — it’s barbaric.”

“The lengths to which these women, some just children, had to go to exercise their freedom to choose is heartbreaking. Prohibiting a middle school-aged girl, a victim of incest, from getting an abortion is not just cruel — it’s barbaric.”

“This is what we’re fighting for this November,” he said in a statement. “We’re fighting for your sister, your daughter, your loved one. Choice, freedom, basic human decency, and women’s rights are on the line.”

“We are seeing the toll that Ron DeSantis’ extreme abortion ban is having on women and teenagers in Florida, and it is beyond disturbing,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Travis Reuther in a statement. “DeSantis’ ban specifically targets victims of rape and incest, including children as we’re seeing, and forces them to either give birth against their will or travel several states away in order to make their own healthcare decisions.”

Democratic National Committee spokesperson Ammar Moussa also denounced DeSantis and Florida’s abortion law.

“This is the heartbreaking result of Ron DeSantis’s push to ban abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest,” Moussa said. “DeSantis has to explain to every Floridian not only why he signed a law that would force child rape and incest victims to give birth and threatens to throw doctors in jail, but what further bans he wants to implement.”

Contributed: USA Today Network-Florida reporter John Kennedy and USA Today Network-Florida Enterprise/Politics Editor Sergio Bustos.

Katherine Lewin is the enterprise reporter at the Times-Union covering criminal and social justice issues in Northeast Florida. Email her at or follow on Twitter @KatherineMLewin. Contact her for her Signal number to share anonymous tips and documents. Support local journalism!

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Incest survivor in jacksonville not able to access abortion in Florida