Adorable 4-year-old girl explains why boys need to have manners

This 4-year-old girl in San Francisco borrowed her mom’s phone so she could explain why boys need to have manners when they’re talking to females

Video Transcript

- So, we were at the track, and I was just relaxing. And a boy was trying to get me over there, and he said, "Caw caw, caw caw, caw caw." And that's not how you get a girl to get over there. You have to use your manners. And he was saying, "Meow meow, meow meow."

And why would you do that to a girl? And you don't call girls over like that. OK, guys? Whoever I'm talking to, I don't care. I don't care who I'm talking to. And if I don't know you and it's Janice or my teacher, it'll be fine. But if it's a stranger, I'm going to stop.