Adwoa Aboah Just Launched Gurls Talk Make-Up Sets Celebrating Self-Love

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With make-up playing such an important role in our day-to-day self-care rituals, there's always space for more beauty brands to use their products to open up the conversation around mental health.

Filling this gap is model, activist and Gurls Talk founder Adwoa Aboah. Teaming up once again with beauty powerhouse Revlon, brand ambassador Aboah has created three genius Gurls Talk make-up sets designed to spotlight body positivity, mental health and self love.

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SHOP NOW Revlon X Gurls Talk by Adwoa Aboah - Every Feeling Make-up Set - £12.99

The rainbow bright make-up trios each raise awareness around a different aspect of mental health awareness with a colour scheme matching the candid but uplifting title.

Featuring a nail varnish, lipstick and lip gloss in shades of purple and blue to highlight mental wellbeing is the 'It's Ok To Feel' set, whilst the 'Celebrate Every Piece Of Yourself' kit comes in sunshine yellow and gold to support conversations around feminine health.

The hot pink 'Dare To Love Yourself' rounds out the range of playful but important make-up kits, this one aimed at celebrating body positivity.

Revlon has had a long-standing commitment to women’s progress, health and well-being through fundraising and awareness initiatives with Adwoa's Gurls Talk collab marking their continuing support.

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SHOP NOW Revlon X Gurls Talk by Adwoa Aboah - Celebrate Yourself Make-up Set - £12.99

As a global beauty brand, Revlon's choice to use their platform to further the conversation around mental health is a major move for the industry, and one we applaud.

Here's to more make-up celebrating women and encouraging them to speak openly without stigma or judgement. Strong work Revlon, and Adwoa, keep on doing you.

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SHOP NOW Revlon X Gurls Talk by Adwoa Aboah - Love Yourself Make-up Set - £12.99

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