Aging Graciously: It's hard not to feel vulnerable

Lee Elliott
Lee Elliott

One of our cars was broken into the other night. It was parked way back in the driveway, far from where any stranger should be on the property, especially late at night when we are all sleeping. The driver’s side window was broken, an expense that will just about meet the insurance deductible, cause great frustration for the driver and make us feel ever more vulnerable than we already do. There wasn’t much of value, but what was, was stolen.

When I lived in a big city, before I moved to this area, I was burglarized three times. The first time, it was someone I knew who lived in the same condominiums that I did. He was a young man, just out of the service whom I had helped at the school where I taught, giving him rides daily. He had broken into 27 homes. They caught him with a fingerprint from my house, and he spent a lot of time in jail.

The second time, they kicked in my solid wood front door.  I came home after a late-night rehearsal to find all of my electronics and jewelry were taken; every drawer emptied onto the floor. They had been watching and knew my hours. They were never caught. The third time was a daring daytime robbery that the neighbors observed and called the police in time to get them out of my house. All this was in a nice quiet neighborhood very similar to the one I live in now.

We feel vulnerable. What are these people doing late at night? Are they looking for things they can sell? Are they poorly disciplined kids out for the “fun” of causing damage? Do they not realize that in this day and age, people carry concealed weapons? Do they carry them? Have they been watching our area? Have they been in my barn or my garage?

I reflect on this sort of experience at great length. Why are people “bad”? Why is it more exciting to do something wrong than to be good and honest? In cases of desperation, like drug addicts stealing to get money or people so poor and unable to pull themselves up trying to survive,  I can understand ... not condone, but understand. Just plain maliciousness I don’t.

As seniors, we are particularly vulnerable. It is necessary to be able to think and react quickly, whether it is a break-in or a scam phone call or letter.

The AARP Bulletin recently listed a number of scams that we should be careful to avoid. You have probably encountered many of these: calls asking for your Medicare number, a young “relative” asking for financial help, a call from your internet provider, the IRS, Amazon Security, notice by phone that you have not paid a bill and calls or letters from Social Security. Add to that your car warranty and computer break-down. Be aware that scammers can answer phones when you have called a legitimate number, and add to that all of the solicitors whose money does not go to the charity of your choice. On a larger scale, how can dictators kill thousands of innocent people and not be stopped? How can politicians, clergy, those who work with children harm others? What is in someone’s mind who wants to hurt ... to be bad?

Today I feel I must be extra alert. I am a little edgy knowing someone has violated my peace and security. I guess all we can do is keep trying to set a good example by being “good”, and hope that at some point justice will prevail.

(Editor's note: If you know of a senior who is unique and deserves a story, please e-mail Lee Elliott at Please include contact information so she can share their story with our readers.)

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Aging Graciously: It's hard not to feel vulnerable