Is AI reviewing your college applicaiton?

Is AI reviewing your college application? A new survey by the online, learning-focused magazine finds that artificial intelligence is playing a progressively larger role in the admissions process at both colleges and private high schools.

By next year, eight in 10 colleges will use AI at some point in their admissions process, according to the magazine's survey of nearly 400 respondents employed by educational institutions.

Admissions departments are using AI to score transcripts, review letters of recommendations and communicate with applicants. Some schools also use AI to review essays and interview potential students, according to the survey.

A high school student fills out a college application.
A high school student fills out a college application.

Of the schools that use AI in the admissions process, 87% say AI sometimes or always makes final decisions about whether to admit applicants.

The survey also found that:

  • Among public colleges, 55% already use AI in the admissions process.

  • Nearly 80% of private high schools used AI to review applicants.

  • About 19% of institutions do not use AI in admissions yet, but plan to add it to the process sometime in 2024.

Admissions officers say the benefits include greater efficiency in sorting through thousands of applications, help with making informed decisions, and reducing bias in the process, according to the survey, which was commissioned by and performed by the polling service Pollfish.

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Amanda Oglesby is an Ocean County native who covers education and the environment. She has worked for the Press for more than a decade. Reach her at @OglesbyAPP, or 732-557-5701.

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: AI is the new college admissions officer