Aiken consignment shop Return Engagement hosts charity event

Jul. 11—Chances of rain did not make citizens shy away from the opportunity to shop and help out a local charity.

On Saturday, July 9, Return Engagement held an event in which all proceeds went to FOTAS, an organization that works with the Aiken County Animal Shelter.

The consignment boutique has a system in which consignors can choose to donate what doesn't sell, then the shop holds the items until there is enough to put on a charity sale.

Return Engagement then asks the "consignors what charity they want to donate to," according to Amy Patheja.

This time the consignors chose for the money raised to go to FOTAS. This was a good opportunity for local residents to do some discount shopping and learn about a great organization.

Patheja said that Aiken is a "community full of generous people" who are always willing to help out where they can.

Return Engagement has a goal to "not just be a business in a community, but a business that supports a community," said Patheja.

Locals can visit Return Engagement at 151 Laurens Street SW or online at and learn more about FOTAS at