Airbnb Denies Refunds For Displaced Guests Due To Hurricane Ian

It seems many are struggling after learning that Airbnb denies refunds for those left displaced by Hurricane Ian in Florida. The destructive hurricane left some travelers in a predicament and now they will not have protection under Airbnb’s policy.

According to Traveling Lifestyle the company cites Florida’s hurricane weather among its exceptions, following a similar policy as other short-term rental businesses like Vrbo and Expedia Group. With Florida residents being prepared for storms/hurricanes, Airbnb sites this state and Texas as ‘foreseeable’ natural disaster incidents.

Many are relying on their hosts for refunds since Airbnb’s cancellation policy excludes issues related to hurricane season in Florida.

Related: Blowout Tide Empties Tampa Bay Before Hurricane

What we know:

Hurricane Ian arrived on Wednesday and left around 12 inches of rain. Reportedly, it was one of U.S. history’s costliest hurricanes yet, causing several billion’s worth of damage. The extent of the hurricane’s damage was widely reported globally.

Airbnb’s refusal to offer displaced guests refunds has caused quite a stir online. It is reminiscent of the refunds that were refused at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eventually, the company loosened its rules and allowed for refunds.


Airbnb response:

On this occasion, Airbnb hasn’t changed its policy in regards to the consequences of this category 4 hurricane and guests. This leaves guests at the mercy of hosts for refunds.