Akron school concerns, a tribute to Tara Mosley and more | Voice of the People

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Akron school plan concerning

We are very concerned about the Akron Public Schools proposal for Chapel Hill children to be bused to Barber school. It wasn’t very long ago when our neighborhood school, Bettes Elementary, was sold and later torn down.

If APS officials had done their homework, then they would have known the number of children in our neighborhood. Now, APS plans to bus those same students across town. We trusted APS to spend the extra tax money wisely. We wonder how much money was saved by this decision.

At Barber, the students will lose their special teachers who have been working with the Nepalese-Bhutanese children. Will they have the same ESL teachers who know the students, parents and culture? Their community will be split as some will go to North High School and others to East High School. Certainly, North High School has room for the students. Why do we need this change?

Finally, we are hoping that the older elementary students will be able to stay at Harris-Jackson, so they can stay in the North High School cluster. There has to be a better way to solve this issue.

Jamie Levan, Akron

A tribute to Tara Mosley

Our baseline norms have been moved to the benefit of all Akron residents thanks largely to Ward 5 councilwoman Tara Mosley. These norms include social justice and investment in disadvantaged communities. Tara’s 10 years of service in City Council end this month.

No matter how socially aware Tara’s politics are, she never lived in an echo chamber. Tara is respected by people across the political spectrum and by many in law enforcement. Tara is loved as much by her white constituents as by her Black constituents. I know this because I knocked on doors for her.

Tara was a teen mom from the inner city. She worked her way up to be a paralegal, then a bailiff and then a seat on Akron City Council. In 2018, she ran for lieutenant governor as Dennis Kucinich’s running mate. Tara then ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2023. It would have been great to make history by electing the first Black woman to a statewide position or Akron mayor, but more importantly to make real, systematic change in Ohio.

Tara’s mission in public office has been to make Akron a great place for all to live. She wanted to transform Akron from being a commuter city to a welcoming city. Tara provided effective advocacy and representation which resulted in investment in her ward and returning political power to Akron’s inner city.

When your mission is to bring people together and to get power to the powerless, you are going to struggle for resources. Tara had to fill multiple roles in her campaigns but she never neglected her duties of representation.

She is ending her council service by offering and passing many ordinances as chair in the Public Service Committee, including a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. She did this by bringing together both Palestinian and Jewish residents.

Tara never voted in a way to solicit money or just to get elected. She always “walked the line” for the people. She gave us all a voice. Tara still will be around. She will never let Akron down. I hope the new mayor finds a position in his cabinet for Tara.

Jake Smith, Akron

What happened to personal rights?

The Ohio Senate is about to vote on Ohio House Bill 68, which would deprive families of the right to make decisions about gender-affirming care for their children. It represents unprecedented and dangerous government overreach, putting the state where it doesn’t belong — in the place of parents, doctors and therapists. If passed, it would be the most extreme legislation of its kind in the country.

Republican legislators who hold the Senate majority should recognize that a “yes” vote would betray principles that their party has advocated for generations, including limited government and parental autonomy. This “government-knows-best” bill would deny families the ability to make the best choices for their children and prevent doctors and therapists from providing essential, evidence-based care. The Ohio Senate must recognize the bill’s harmful impact and vote against HB 68.

Protect medical rights for families and preserve the integrity of the doctor-patient relationship.

Mark and Danielle Schultz, Akron

Don’t speed in Peninsula

In response to the Dec. 10 guest column by Matthew Prensky and Bobbi Taylor regarding the village of Peninsula. The headline states that Peninsula and Stow are violating citizens’ rights by charging a fee to fight a ticket. Peninsula does no such thing. Stow charges the fee. Peninsula does not.

As a citizen of the village, I have rights also. I have the right to sit on my porch on a Blossom concert night and not have people driving past my house at 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. There is a simple solution. Do not violate the law by speeding and you will not get a ticket.

Put the speed cameras out of business and everyone is happy.

Doug Anderson, Peninsula

Fascism may be in our future

I often wear a “Democracy Defender” button because I think we are experiencing democracy in decline and this could lead to a national crisis a year from now.

In the last presidential election, Donald Trump attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 election and thereby attempted to overthrow our democratic system. Trump supporters rioted in January 2021 because they were encouraged by his election lies and a speech when he told them to go to the Capitol and “fight like hell.” They broke into the Capitol building intending to physically attack our congressional representatives. This was an attempted insurrection and Trump will be penalized if found guilty in scheduled federal and/or Georgia trials he is facing. If not found guilty and he runs and wins the presidency again, he will attempt to continue his fascist beliefs and actions.

What I mean by “fascist” is defined broadly by Madeleine Albright in her well-researched book “Fascism – A Warning.”

“A fascist is someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence and whatever other means are necessary to achieve his or her goals,” she writes.

This is an extreme form of authoritarianism and she uses, of course, Mussolini and Hitler as the most prominent examples. She uses Trump with his words, intentions and actions during his first two years in office as a current-day example since her book was published in 2018 — two years before the insurrection when he became increasingly and more dangerously fascistic.

Trump is the first anti-democratic president in modern history to have the characteristics of a dictator. Trump was and could possibly still be leading us in a fascistic direction. Democracy needs to be defended everywhere, including the courtroom, and can only be accomplished by truth-seeking elected representatives and rational citizens. I am hoping people ask me why I think democracy needs to be defended so I can reveal Trump as a modern-day fascist.

Bill Wilen, Kent

What is Biden’s master plan?

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the divide in America today is “normal vs crazy.”

Where the left is taking us is crazy! To name a few: defund the police, open border and an open door for the world’s terrorists, every city in America a border city, noncitizens can vote, genetic boys compete in girls’ sports, no bail for repeat criminal offenders, and it was OK to let a Chinese spy balloon go over the country and then shoot it down at sea.

After three years and record numbers of illegal migrants flooding into our country, it’s clear that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have no desire to stop this crisis with multitudes of young Americans dying of fentanyl, thousands of migrant children and women abused.

They are willing to look the other way. Why? Is it for political power with millions of potential Democratic voters or is it even more sinister? To destroy America as we know it? In the words of top Democrats going back to Barack Obama, to “transform it.”

To all Americans, believe them. We must stop this rapid decline of our great nation.

Michael Anderson, Barberton

This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Akron school plan questioned; Tara Mosley praised for council work