It's alive: Compost Community helps your scraps become part of the great 'soil food web'

Raw food scraps and other recyclables being added to an existing compost pile at Compost Community.
Raw food scraps and other recyclables being added to an existing compost pile at Compost Community.

Did you know that compost is alive?  Compost is an active and breathing organ that serves as the “housing complex” for the billions of different types of organisms, often referred to as the “soil food web,” living all or part of their lives in the soil.

The foundation of the soil food web is made up of carbohydrates and sugars produced by plants through photosynthesis plus the interaction of bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, fungi, insects, and many more small and progressively larger organisms.

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Bacteria and fungi, feed on the carbohydrates and sugars and larger organisms feed on them. This is a natural process that attracts other still larger predators, eventually attracting birds, moles, and even larger prey. When you see birds, moles, and armadillos digging around in the soil in your yard, know that they are an integral part of the soil food web that is happening underground.

When compost is added to your native soil, it helps build the web of life that creates the nutrient dense soil that promotes vegetable, herb, and fruit production in your garden or grow space. For these various organisms to function efficiently and thrive, that “housing complex” is essential for building healthy soil structure.

Fungal hyphae wrapping around the soil, keeping it intact.
Fungal hyphae wrapping around the soil, keeping it intact.

Bacteria, fungi and micro-aggregates

Healthy soil structure is composed of the glues and strings that are a by-product of the bacteria and fungi existing within it. The glues produced by bacteria hold together the sand, silt, clay, and small rocks creating micro-aggregates.

The strings are fungal hyphae that wrap themselves around the glued together micro-aggregates. When the hyphae wrap themselves around multiple micro-aggregates, they create a network of micro-aggregates called macro-aggregates.

These larger macro-aggregate networks of bacteria and fungi hyphae create the structure inside the soil that promotes nutrient cycling and water retention which allows plants to thrive.

Without the return and recycling of organic matter back into the earth, we deplete our soils and grow inferior and unhealthy plants. In the United States, food waste is estimated to represent 30-40 percent of the food supply.

Food goes to waste in landfills

Unfortunately, most of that food waste ends up at incinerators or in landfills. While incinerators produce energy, they do so at a cost, emitting more CO2 per unit of electricity than natural gas, oil-fired and coal-fired power plants.

As to landfills, the food waste breaks down in an anaerobic environment creating and releasing methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas. We must tackle the issue of waste reduction and approach it with a level of consciousness to save Mama Earth.

Compost and the reintroduction of the right microbiology into our soils is the answer to our food, water, and climate problems.

Composting assists with our climate concerns by capturing harmful carbon. The more compost that is added to our soils, the more carbon that is fixed or trapped into our soils and used by the plants that need it to thrive.

Compost Community's winning recipe

We at Compost Community absolutely love the life that exists in the soil and in compost. Compost Community started collecting compost in 2013.

Starting with just an Earth Machine compost bin, we quickly grew our customer base and soon transitioned to a larger footprint on our farm, processing approximately 1,100 pounds weekly and 56,000 pounds of food scraps annually.

Our recipe includes three primary ingredients; wood chips, fruit and veggie scraps, and coffee grounds.

Our mission is to produce the highest quality compost and to educate and encourage the public to generate their own compost. We do our best to inform on why it’s so critical to recycle our household organic matter.  Compost is truly the next frontier in recycling around the globe.

How to become a composter

Compost Community is thrilled to be at the forefront of this movement in the Tallahassee area.  We are currently recruiting compost soldiers across the city to join in the mission of recycling their food scraps.

Two easy ways to do this is to compost at home and if this option isn’t available, Compost Community will either pick up your compostable material or you can swap your compost materials out at one of our bucket exchange hubs. Visit for more information.

Remember, compost is life! It all starts with the soil.

Sundiata Ameh-El
Sundiata Ameh-El

Sundiata Ameh-El is the owner of Compost Community and can be reached at This is a “Greening Our Community” article, an initiative of Sustainable Tallahassee.  Learn more at

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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Got scraps? With help of microbiology compost returns life to the soil