Allergies or contagious virus? Here's how to tell the difference

Every spring, Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare sees a dramatic uptick in patients visiting our Urgent Care Centers for allergy symptoms from increased pollen.

While you can typically manage allergies at home with over-the-counter medication, patients see us to rule out contagious viruses such as flu, COVID-19, colds and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in young children.

These viruses are increasingly present as COVID-19 restrictions ease and we interact more with each other in the community.

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Allergies, on the other hand, are not contagious but can be very bothersome. Even people who grew up without allergies to pollen or other triggers can develop them at any time.

Here’s some quick ways to tell if it’s allergies or sickness plaguing your sinuses.

Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing

  • Clear nasal drainage

  • Itchy eyes, ears, throat or skin

  • Pink, watery eyes

  • Dry cough from nasal drainage or wheezing from underlying asthma

Symptoms usually NOT related to allergies include:

  • Fever

  • Shortness of breath (unless you have asthma triggered by allergies)

  • Severe body aches and fatigue

  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

So, you think it’s an allergy?

If you think it’s allergy symptoms that’ve got you down, here are some quick tips:

Stay away from your triggers. Allergies can last months, so during the height of allergy season, try to avoid triggers as much as possible. Close windows, wash your hands and consider wearing a mask if you have prolonged exposure to outdoor allergens or lots of dust indoors while cleaning.

Try at-home treatments, including antihistamines, steroids or saline nasal sprays and allergy eye drops. Medication is especially helpful if you must be around your triggers. Many people will need to take allergy medication for the duration of pollen season (usually from late February to May).

See a doctor if your symptoms get worse. Initial allergy symptoms generally improve. If after seven to 10 days, you experience a worsening productive cough, sinus pressure, ear pain or new fever, it’s time to see your doctor or visit an Urgent Care Center. We can confirm that it’s not a more serious illness.

Oh no, it’s looking like a virus

If you’re reading this and thinking, ‘I may actually be sick,’ here’s our advice:

Call or see your doctor or visit Urgent Care. We can confirm if you are sick and help provide the most appropriate care.

Rest and supportive care are key. Remember, the common cold has no cure. Most people just need time and supportive care, including over-the-counter cough and cold medications for older children and adults. Please always read labels or talk to your pharmacist or healthcare provider for advice about which to use.

Take steps to prevent severe sickness. If you are diagnosed with the flu or COVID-19 and have severe symptoms or health risks, prescription treatments are now available to help you feel better faster and decrease the chances of severe disease.

Give it time. Symptoms of many viruses may last longer than patients expect. Severe symptoms and fever should subside, but do not be surprised if a dry cough lasts for several weeks after being sick, even if you feel better.

Stay home. Most viruses, particularly the common cold, are usually harmless – but they can still be contagious and result in missed time from work or school. Severe cases of flu, RSV and COVID-19 can be life-threatening and result in an emergency room visit or hospitalization. If you’re feeling sick, stay home. Resting will help you heal faster and protect others from getting sick.

If your symptoms get worse, talk with a doctor again. Many conditions, including bronchitis, do not require antibiotics, but it’s important to be evaluated again in case of a secondary infection.

Know when it’s an emergency. We always recommend being evaluated by a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any significant symptoms. Call 911 or go to the emergency room if you have severe shortness of breath, chest pain, confusion, dehydration or other signs of an emergency.

Allergies and viruses can be difficult to distinguish, so do not hesitate to visit one of our Urgent Care Centers to talk about the best way to care for yourself or your family.

TMH Urgent Care

Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare has two Urgent Care Centers in Tallahassee open after hours:

Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center in Southwood, 3900 Esplanade Way. Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. -8 p.m. Friday - Saturday: 9 a.m. -5 p.m. 850-431-3868

Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center on TMH’s Main Campus, 1541 Medical Drive. Monday - Sunday: 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. 850-431-7816

Learn more about urgent care services at TMH.ORG/UrgentCare.

John Streacker, MD, is Medical Director of the Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center.
John Streacker, MD, is Medical Director of the Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center.

John Streacker, MD, is Medical Director of the Tallahassee Memorial Urgent Care Center.

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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Allergies or contagious virus? Here are ways to tell the difference