Amazon Explore Is Giving Prime Members a Free Virtual Trip — Here’s How to Book Yours

Amazon Explore wants to help you see the world again right from the comfort of home. It will even give you a "trip" for free.

With more and more people getting the COVID-19 vaccine, a return to travel is on the horizon. However, not everyone is quite ready to hop in a plane, train, or automobile to get out and see the world in person just yet. But that's okay because Amazon Explore is here to help those who still want to experience travel without ever leaving their living rooms.

In October, Amazon launched its virtual travel platform that lets users book interactive "vacations" and experiences online. And, on each trip, virtual travelers can shop in local stores, helping to support small businesses around the world.

Each experience, Amazon explained, is hosted by a local expert who will guide users through new places, like one of its most popular virtual journeys, "Explore the Tango-infused La Boca neighborhood of Buenos Aires."

Street view of the entertainment district in the heart of Tokyo, Japan
Street view of the entertainment district in the heart of Tokyo, Japan

Didier Marti/Getty Images

"La Boca is one of the most mythical neighborhoods in Buenos Aires and makes up one of the great corners of the country of Argentina," the experience page reads. "Tango was born there and it was the cradle of great artists and athletes. In this experience, we will insert ourselves in the heart of La Boca."

On the tour, the company explains, you'll walk through Caminito street and see inside what was formerly a tenement for immigrants, today turned into a shopping destination."Along the tour, we'll see the classic buildings of La Boca, known as conventillos. Colorful and unique, the conventillos are pleasant to take in and look as if they were designed by a group of creative children," the about section adds. "Caminito street is the best known for its folklore and, in just 150 meters, it hides the deepest myths and serves as an example to tell more than 200 years of history!"

Other Amazon Explore activities include virtual shopping, cooking classes, history tours, and more from people around the world.

Ready for the best part? Right now Prime members can try their first virtual experience for under $50 for free using the code FREEFUN. This way, users can preview a destination and be well prepared to see it all in person one day too.