Amazon now selling at-home COVID saliva test kits. Here’s what to know

Do you think you might have coronavirus? Amazon is now selling at-home COVID-19 testing kits, making it that much easier to get tested without waiting in line, or putting others at risk of exposure.

The DxTerity COVID-19 Saliva at-Home Collection Kit is available for $110 each, or $1,000 for 10, according to the Amazon product page.

DxTerity says their kit is the first at-home coronavirus saliva testing product that is FDA-approved for use by both people experiencing symptoms, and those who are asymptomatic.

“Only a small amount of saliva sample is needed,” the product page says, and everything needed to collect and send off a sample to a lab is included.

“Registration and sample collection can be done from the comfort of your home or office,” the product page says.

After arriving at a lab, customers can expect to learn the results of their test in 24 to 72 hours.

The online retail giant isn’t the first to offer COVID-19 test kits for use at home.

Costco began selling swab-free kits online in October for a minimum $130, McClatchy News previously reported, and Walmart and Sam’s Club have offered a similar product from $100 to $135 since December.

While there’s disagreement whether a traditional swab test or saliva test is more accurate, many experts agree the latter is just as effective, and in some ways better, McClatchyNews previously reported.