Amazon's Africa HQ plan angers indigenous peoples

An ancient dispute over land has been stirred up anew by Amazon's choice of spot for its new headquarters in South Africa.

Protesters oppose its plan to build a 70,000-square-meter complex on a site in Cape Town.

The location of is of huge significance to indigenous communities.

500 years ago the Khoi and San peoples drove back Portuguese raiders on this spot.

A century and a half later, it was where Dutch settlers launched a campaign of land dispossession.

Now protesters want the history marked - and not with an Amazon office.

Tauriq Jenkins was among leaders of a protest march.

"The threat of the monolith of Amazon on the embankments of our most sacred flood plains will not be accepted by our communities. This is the place where the first frontier wars were fought, it is a ground zero precinct, and what we want is a world heritage site."

The riverside property was previously home to a golf-driving range and bar.

A small plaque is the only indication of its importance.

But it's now set for a major development, with Amazon as the anchor tenant.

It's been approved by the city's mayor, but opponents aren't giving up.

Leslie London leads one community association fighting the plans:

"It's got an environmental authorization. That is despite many and multiple objections and appeals which were essentially ignored, so the only recourse now is to go to court."

Amazon wouldn't comment on the protests, referring all queries to the developers.

They say the project will create thousands of jobs, and feature an indigenous garden and heritage centre.
