American Disabilities Act needs to extend into the digital world as well | Opinion

July 26 is National Disability Independence Day, which commemorates the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the U.S. law prohibiting discrimination against those with disabilities. In the 33 years since this law was enacted, life in America has drastically improved for everyone with a disability. From ramps on city streets and at the entrances to buildings, to assistive listening devices at events and more inclusion in the workplace, there are more accommodations than ever for persons with disabilities.

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the digital world. In fact, digital accessibility is practically non-existent and having a good user experience with many websites, apps and other online programs can be frustrating and overwhelming. This is reprehensible and embarrassing for living in the so-called “digital age.”

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For perspective into how significant an issue this is, consider this:

More than 96% of websites and apps are not accessible to those with disabilities.

▪There are 1.3 billion people living with a significant disability. That’s 16% of the world’s population.

▪Persons with disabilities account for more than a $1.9 trillion dollar market opportunity.

▪There is already prominent case law against the likes of BeyonceDomino’s Pizza, and Harvard University

There will never be 100% compliance when it comes to digital accessibility. Unfortunately, consumers and businesses alike are being deceived by companies that claim their plug-ins can quickly and cost-effectively solve the problem. It’s just not so; however, not all hope is lost.

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Digital accessibility can improve in many ways starting with closing the gaps in compliance. Laws and guidelines exist, but compliance with digital accessibility standards is not universal.

There’s also a lack of awareness. Many developers, designers, and content creators are not well-informed about digital accessibility and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which ensure that websites are perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all users. This includes things like providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, clear navigation, and proper heading structure. Mobile accessibility is often overlooked for digital compliance by developers as well.

We know from other industries that practice makes perfect. Regular user testing with individuals with disabilities can help identify accessibility barriers and usability issues. Actively seeking and incorporating user feedback can lead to improvements and better overall accessibility. Successful ADA compliant companies already incorporate this into their digital programs.

Finally, digital accessibility is an ongoing process. Embracing the principles of continuous improvement allows for the identification and remediation of accessibility issues over time. Regular audits, monitoring, and updates to address emerging technologies and changing user needs are necessary.

Mark Pound is the CEO of CurbCutOS, an organization making the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities.
Mark Pound is the CEO of CurbCutOS, an organization making the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities.

Disabilities are oftentimes chronic. As we rely more on digital technology like websites and apps to live our lives and complete professional tasks, it’s imperative we do better and make sure digital accessibility is at the forefront of the national conversation. It’s not just about the elderly, those with a hearing impairment, paraplegics, or any other group. Digital accessibility is everyone’s responsibility.

The ADA wasn’t passed with digital accessibility in mind 33 years ago, but in 2023 with how heavily we rely on digital products, it’s time for change.

Mark Pound is the CEO of CurbCutOS, an organization making the digital world more accessible for people with disabilities. He’s a former high school football star turned quadriplegic from an in-game collision, but miraculously recovered against all odds. However, a near-fatal car accident years later reaggravated his injuries and left him with severe nerve damage, cervical fusions, bulging discs and massive pain every day.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: American Disabilities Act needs to extend into the digital world