Americans deserve better health care

Dwight Weidman

In a time when advances in medicine and medical technology are roaring ahead at record speed, we have a system of medical care that is failing in many respects. Theoretically, everyone in America has access to health care, regardless of their financial status, but the delivery of that health care has become bogged down by a byzantine system of bureaucracy and incompetence which has inserted itself between the patient and their medical provider.

I am not advocating for the imposition of any type of government-run universal health care, known to some as “socialized medicine," because that type of system is worse than what we have now. In my travels, I have seen the effects of government-run health care systems: backward and overloaded facilities, long wait times for appointments, health care rationing, and de facto euthanasia, especially for senior citizens. Any thinking person who has any experience with socialized medicine knows that we don’t want it here.

On the other hand, the system in America has become dominated by corporate interests that don’t have the welfare of the patient anywhere on their list. Monopolies dominate health care delivery systems, and they have gradually forced independent doctors, testing facilities and pharmacies out of business, replacing them with bean counters whose only concern seems to be to squeeze every penny out of the patient and their insurer.

Independent pharmacies that know their customers have been replaced by huge corporate chains that change staff more frequently than most change their socks. Insurance companies and government are aware of this and have responded by restricting patient benefits with overly complicated coverage rules or drug formularies that make no sense at all.

What we have are the corporate health care giants on one side and huge insurance companies and government on the other side, like the two jaws of a vice, with the patient and their doctor caught in the middle, resulting in the delivery of mediocre health care or none at all.

I’m sure most of us have our own medical horror stories. I have my own, although I’m blessed with good health and good insurance.

I take exactly one generic prescription drug, but recently, getting that script filled turned into a major time-consuming effort. I had my doctor send the prescription to a chain pharmacy that was “preferred” under my primary insurer, a Medicare Advantage plan that is associated with a local health monopoly.

The pharmacy couldn’t fill it because it wasn’t on the primary insurer’s drug formulary for my policy. Fine, I thought, since the drug WAS covered by my secondary insurance company’s formulary, but that’s where the fun began.

The chain pharmacy either couldn’t or wouldn’t bill the secondary insurer (subsequent investigation revealed it was the latter and just a case of laziness on their part). The insurance company’s help desk even called the pharmacy to walk them through the process and after the first call, the pharmacy staff quit answering the phone.

After a week of wrangling and hours spent on the phone with the pharmacy and my insurer, I gave up and transferred the script to a local independent pharmacy, and SHAZZAM! the prescription was filled within minutes. I wonder how many of my fellow senior citizens who are less persistent or informed than I have given up under similar circumstances and either paid out of pocket or done without?

My situation was fairly benign, but there are many worst cases.

I recall waiting for a prescription at another chain pharmacy last year when a young family came in with a sick child. They had been to urgent care and needed meds for their little girl. It was a half-hour before closing, and I was the only other customer there.

The pharmacy assistant told the father that they were busy and asked him to come back the next day. The father almost lost it and, in the end, got the meds for his little girl. But the incident served as a reminder of how low patients are on the totem poll of corporate health care.

The bottom line is that health care in America has become the victim of both corporate greed and government incompetence. The victims are our doctors who are forced to deal with huge bureaucracies and patients who have to worry about not getting the care or meds that they need.

Changing all of this will be tough, mainly because our politicians either favor government-run health care or have been bought off by the big pharmaceutical, medical or insurance lobbies. I just wonder how many Americans are paying for this broken system with their lives?

Dwight Weidman is a resident of Greene Township and is a graduate of Shepherd University. He is retired from the United States Department of Defense, where his career included assignments In Europe, Asia, and Central America. He has been in leadership roles for the Republican Party in two states, most recently serving two terms as Chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party. Involved in web publishing since 1996, he is the publisher of The Franklin County Journal. He has been an Amateur Radio Operator since 1988, getting his first license in Germany, and is a past volunteer with both Navy and Army MARS, Military Auxiliary Radio Service, and is also an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

This article originally appeared on Chambersburg Public Opinion: Personal experience shows just how broken U.S. health care system is