Amid negative headlines, children, parents get bad rap, but soccer tale shows there's hope

Some stories are disappointing.

In April, a gun was found in a student backpack at Sebastian River High School, at least the fourth such incident in recent months at an Indian River County middle or high school.

On Monday, I learned a child in the private school my sons attended communicated to his class he had a firearm in his possession. A search yielded no weapon, and the child was removed from school.

The good news in each of these cases is procedures worked: Students heard something, they said something, and authorities ensured there’d be no trouble.

Sadly, that doesn't happen every time in every school.

Youth soccer tournament offers different perspective

Madison Fields, left, and teammates toss the ball as her U8 girls team - the Flamingos - with the Pensacola Youth Soccer recreational league practices at Hitzman-Optimist Park in Pensacola on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.
Madison Fields, left, and teammates toss the ball as her U8 girls team - the Flamingos - with the Pensacola Youth Soccer recreational league practices at Hitzman-Optimist Park in Pensacola on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.

Still, I’m convinced most young people perhaps more than ever try to do the right thing ― despite the rap they get when bad actors do the wrong things and gain notoriety.

It's tough to compare the incidents above to what I saw last month when Kick-Off Soccer held a tournament at the Indian River Soccer Academy’s Hobart complex. But that's where I ran into a noteworthy circumstance.

Because of a referee shortage, I’d officiated a record (for me) six games and walked/jogged about 12 miles by the time I ended up on the field with 11- and 12-year-old boys. Early in the game, I cautioned a player for what I thought was deliberately handling the ball to prevent what could have been a goal-scoring opportunity.

Issuing the yellow card meant the player would have to be on his best behavior the rest of the game, or he could get another yellow card and get ejected. His team would then have to play a person short for the rest of the game.

It was a tight game. With maybe a minute left and the other team winning by a goal, the player I had carded, a defender, retaliated after an opponent committed a nasty foul against one of his teammates. I issued a yellow card to the opponent, but felt compelled to yellow, then red card and eject, the player who had retaliated by running toward the opponent and chest-bumping him.

Ejection took an unexpected turn

The Indian River Soccer Academy U13 boys team celebrates after winning the Vero Spring Classic Sunday April 23, 2023, at the Hobart Soccer Complex, north of Vero Beach, Florida.
The Indian River Soccer Academy U13 boys team celebrates after winning the Vero Spring Classic Sunday April 23, 2023, at the Hobart Soccer Complex, north of Vero Beach, Florida.

He initially questioned the call, though I heard no one else argue.

After the match, I had second thoughts. I asked the tournament director if he had to suspend the player for the next game, as is common practice. Yes, he said.

As I walked back to the field to grab my gear, the young man, with his mother next to him, approached me. I’ve had players and parents speak with me after a game. It doesn’t always end well.

In this case, I heard a first in 30-plus years of officiating: “I’m sorry.”

The young man apologized for the chest-bump and for making me stop the game to deal with it. He should have let me just deal with the other player, he said, adding he learned a lesson.

I told him he didn’t have to apologize; that whatever happened on the field was, as he said, a learning experience. They key is, if you are going to make a mistake to learn a lesson, do it when you are young in a game that means little ― like he did ― not in a championship game when you’re in high school or later.

Lots of lessons in youth sports

Port St. Lucie freshman softball standout Kennedy Moody was presented this week with the Chris Hixon Sportsmanship Award, given out to only 10 student-athletes across the state in honor of the late athletic director at Stoneman Douglas High School who perished in the February 2016 Parkland school shooting. The award is presented to student-athletes who become leaders on and off the field who exemplify the spirit of sportsmanship.

More than a leader: Port St. Lucie's Kennedy Moody earns coveted award

The real problem or another bogeyman? 'Eliminate Participation Trophies' bill for youth sports introduced in North Carolina State Senate

Then I told him I hoped and expected he’d be playing that long. After all, I said, he was talented and it was clear he was a fine young man.

As the player’s father walked by, I told him and the mother they had raised their son well. I appreciated the effort he put into his play and in defending his teammate who was fouled. I also appreciated the courage it must have taken to apologize to me.

They told me they appreciated the job I did ― perhaps noticing some games were played with only two, not three, referees, because of the shortage. (One reason for the shortage, officials say, is referees who stop because of verbal abuse and other harassment, mostly from parents.)

The parents told me they teach their children to respect authority, including experts in their fields. While I don’t officiate in Major League Soccer, I do have to attend training and take a test every year to officiate even youth games.

The young man politely asked why he got the first yellow card. When I explained to him what I saw, he understood.

It was a good lesson for both of us.

Youth sports comes with all sorts of lessons.

As a column in the Wall Street Journal by Jason Gay recently noted, youth sports contributes to children's physical and mental health, “it’s exercise and exertion; it extricates them from omnipresent screens; it instills a sense of self and positive body image.”

Team sports offer benefits

Laurence Reisman
Laurence Reisman

Team sports help children learn “to cooperate with peers, share common goals and problem-solve as a group," Gay continued. "School sports participation has long been linked to improved self-esteem and academic performance. Some employers report seeking out candidates with team sports backgrounds, because they can thrive in a collaborative environment.”

I’ve seen this when I’ve officiated and in following my younger son’s sports career. This is his college graduation weekend. He’ll get a travel day before starting his next stage of education on Monday.

While I’m a realist, I’m also confident there are lots of 11-year-olds out there whose parents are teaching their children well.

This column reflects the opinion of Laurence Reisman, past president of the Indian River Soccer Academy. Contact him via email at, phone at 772-978-2223, or Twitter @LaurenceReisman.

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This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Amid ugliness in Vero Beach area, youngsters' efforts shine through