The Amish Cook: A day in the life

(Editor’s Note: I like to occasionally point out that Gloria belongs to the New Order Amish Church. This is still a “horse and buggy” Amish church, but the New Order church often has a more evangelical outlook and lifestyle than the Old Order Amish. While the Old Order Amish church is Biblically based, they are less evangelical. — Kevin Williams, editor)

I loved the suggestions you tossed back on what you enjoy hearing me write about.

One idea caught my attention: an ordinary day at home. And what’s better than just a typical day at home?

Okay, so typical or common say does not look like it did before school started or before Daddy went to heaven. I always like Mrs. Lehman’s slogan, “Life is all about how you handle plan B.” I had no idea this simple truth could be such a tear-jerker. So as you walk through this “normal” day with me, know that while it is a good day, it is freshly hew-en from stone. We could not cut our way, so the Master did it for us. Remember that you may want to bring tissues with you, as tears are a regular part of life at home.

I don’t go by an alarm clock to wake me since Hubby is not here to set it as he always did; I ask God to wake me whenever I need to get up that morning. Usually, by 6 a.m. I awake in time to watch daylight dawn. First, I headed for the recliner in the kitchen, where Daniel often sat with children climbing all over him while they waited til I had my meals on the table. I read from Sarah Young’s book, Jesus Calling, along with some Bible passages, and spent some time talking to God. On some mornings, such as this one, I next get in touch with you.

By 7, it’s time for school children to wake up. I try to balance things while they get dressed and have personal devotions.

Julia takes charge of packing the lunches while Austin sets the table and prepares dishwater for Elijah, who washes dishes after breakfast. First-grade Hosanna gets to sleep a little longer as she gets super tired after being in school for whole days.

By 7:45, the four-year-old boys have awakened and been dressed; okay, well, Jesse prefers eating his breakfast in his trunks which he thinks is more comfortable than his homemade pants. He has Mom’s permission to do so as long as he happily puts his pants on after breakfast.

Now we all gather around the table; this morning, we’ll have Austin’s favorite, quinoa. It was something new for all of us a year ago, and now most of us have come to like it served with cinnamon, honey, and fresh goats’ milk. While the children eat, I get in a few bites myself, then read inspiration of some kind, then often we discuss it as they give their input. Recently Jesse came up with the brainstorm that since Daddy died and went to heaven, maybe he’ll die in heaven and come back to us! His innocence and optimism melted my heart. The older children’s eyes grew wide as they declared, “In heaven, we don’t die!”

Well, one tousle head just made its appearance here in the office. Jesse is a born snuggle bug; I wrapped him in a blanket next to me. Oh, here comes Elijah … he’s now nestled on my lap as I try to write; not only that, it’s one minute til 7! I’ll be running along to get my morning on the go.

Hi again, I’m back 24 hours later in an attempt to do more writing in quietness, or as quiet as it gets, with three early risers.

True to my plan, we had our breakfast a day ago and got the school children off by 8:15. Only this time it proved to be quite colorful. Despite my best efforts, little Joshua cried through most of breakfast. It seemed he wasn’t feeling well … the challenge for me in times is to stay calm and confident, not giving in to desperation to have each need met at the same moment or the school children off. I pray a lot that God would fill me with him; I cannot provide for our children alone, but I know God can and he will.

So once the three oldest are ready for school, I hug them, then pray this little “homemade blessing” over them, “God bless you, your teacher, your friends, your day, in Jesus’ name we pray.” They are off, dashing across the woods to meet their friends at school.

I turn back to the kitchen, blink, say a little prayer, and often just spend a few moments being still with God before launching into my day.

I’m not even halfway through my day, and it’s already time for a recipe. Hang on for part B til another day!

Jesse and I were discussing what would be the perfect recipe to pass on this week. Have you ever tried my Hubby’s Ultimate Sticky buns? I concocted a recipe based off Daniel’s taste buds. Every time I’d make these for him, his eyes would grow wide in wonder and love. Though it almost seems too special to even print the recipe, I do want to give you a chance with them. And will you do me a favor? Since we can’t provide them to Daniel, why don’t we all make a point of sharing a few with a neighbor, widow, or shut-in?! Thank you, and God bless!

6 hamburger buns

½ pound ham

6 slices baby Swiss cheeses

½ can onion and chive cream cheese spread


1 tablespoon prepared mustard

1 teaspoon dried onion flakes

1½ teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

⅓ cup brown sugar

6 tablespoons butter, melted


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spread 1 tablespoon sauce mix on one side of bun.

Top with ham slices.

Spread cream cheese on the other half of bun.

Top with remaining sauce on top of prepared buns.

Bake 10 minutes uncovered then 10 minutes covered or until brown

This article originally appeared on Pontiac Daily Leader: The Amish Cook Gloria Yoder goes through a day in her life