Ammunition depot on fire near Belgorod

Fire at an ammunition warehouse in the Belgorod region on Aug 23
Fire at an ammunition warehouse in the Belgorod region on Aug 23

According to Gudkov, the fire started due to a “lensing effect” from the sun igniting munitions. It’s unclear what kind of object or medium acted as a lens to focus direct sunlight, large enough to ignite sitting munitions.

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Small children often use magnifying glasses to replicate the lensing effect on small insects and plants, but it is unknown if a large enough magnifying glass happened to be near the munition storage area, which, in most militaries, is a closed, windowless warehouse.

Read also: Russian ammo dump catches fire in Belgorod Oblast

While there were no reported casualties, locals from the nearby village of Tymonove were evacuated as a precaution, Gudkov added. Emergency services are active in the area.

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine