Tiny Brain Found Growing Inside Ovary Of Japanese Teenager

brain ovary
brain ovary

In a stunning discovery, doctors in Japan recently found a tiny brain developing and growing in a teenage girl’s ovary. The teen hadn’t been suffering from any known ill-effects from the tiny brain, and it was only found when she was undergoing surgery for routine appendectomy. Reportedly, while doctors were inside her abdomen to remove her appendix, her surgeons discovered a tumor on her ovary.

As IFLScience reports, the Japanese doctors then set out to remove the ovarian tumor, only to receive the shock of their lives. Doctors successfully removed the tumor from the teen’s ovary, only to discover that it contained what has been described as a “tiny brain.” In reality, the brain was a mass of brain cells, and even a partially formed skull.

Doctors say that the brain tissue found in the ovary of the Japanese teen contained “highly organized neural tissue,” tissue that looked incredibly like a cerebellum. That region of the brain is responsible for both balance and motor control, and it was apparently growing ever-more complex in the teen’s ovary.

Technically, ovarian tumors containing “out of place” body tissues are called teratomas. They are not uncommon, and contain virtually any type of tissue, from hair, bone, teeth, or muscle. Ovarian teratomas containing brain tissue have been reported, rarely, in the past. However, this case of a tiny brain being discovered in an ovary is unlike virtually anything else ever reported.

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Tiny Brain Found Growing Inside Ovary Of Japanese Teenager [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News