Amy Schumer Talks Botox, SoulCycle, and Her Love of Scones in InStyle's May Issue

The hilarious actress reveals some of her health and beauty secrets (yes to smoothies, no to natural deodorant).

When it comes to relatable celebrities, Amy Schumer is about as down-to-earth as they get. The Trainwreck writer and actress, 35, has dished about everything from cellulite to double standards to her (sometimes awkward) sex life. She has also become an outspoken advocate of the body-positivity movement and the importance of self-love (and she's not afraid to fight back against trolls when necessary). Now, in a hilarious interview for the cover story of InStyle's May issue, the comedian lets us in on some of her health and beauty habits. Here, seven things we learned about Schumer, from her favorite moisturizer to her love of post-workout scones.

She's skeptical of natural deodorants

"I use Secret," she says. "I tried the natural ones, but my body was just like, 'Stop all that. Just die early and don’t smell like a foot.'" [Editor's note to Amy: There are natural deodorants out there that actually work! Here are our faves.]

You can find La Mer and Kiehl's in her medicine cabinet

Schumer has a few go-to products, but her morning beauty routine is pretty simple. "My regimen is I wake up, usually around 8:30, brush my teeth, and splash water on my face. Then I put Kiehl’s eye-something under my eyes, and I blot La Mer so it looks like sunblock. Then I put on deodorant if I remember, which today I did not."

She prefers the back row at SoulCycle

As for exercise, Schumer says you might be able to catch her at a SoulCycle class with her workout partner, actress Rachel Feinstein. "We ride very slowly in the back, but they don’t make us feel bad about that," she says. "Afterward, we celebrate the workout with a very long lunch and coffee. We’re like elderly women on the Upper West Side."

She likes to take walks with scones

Here's a habit we can really get behind. After her post-workout lunch, Schumer likes to take a leisurely stroll through Central Park, always with a scone to munch on as she gets her steps in. "A scone will be with me if I'm walking," she says.

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She knows how to de-stress

Schumer admits that while she hasn't always been so into health and wellness, she has discovered that yoga and acupuncture help her unwind. Another favorite stress-relieving technique: vegging out. "In terms of decompressing, I also want to get into pajamas as often as possible, usually sweatpants and rarely a bra at any point, to watch TV," she says. "Then I think a beautiful thing is having wine."

She's not afraid of aging

She's "not against" Botox, but Schumer is planning on embracing age-related changes as they come. "I’m pretty sure I’ll never get any sort of surgery, but no proclamations," she says. "Also, I cannot imagine a moment when I will need filler for my face, as if it needs to be filled. [Laughs] Can we unfill this? Let’s get an emptier."

She cares about food

"I have a healthy relationship with food," Schumer says. "I’ll have a smoothie for breakfast every morning, and I keep it pretty low-carb and healthy during the day. At night I’ll have a basic protein, quinoa, and vegetables. Then I’ll have another dinner at 2 a.m. or something if I’m out."

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