Anastasi: Learning to fight alongside Violet for the life she deserves

One thing my wife Emily and I weren't told back in 2020 as we prepared to welcome our sweet Violet into the world was the extent to which advocacy becomes an everyday imperative for parents of children with special needs.

We reflect on our year with Violet each October, recognized as Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and in 2022 we marvel at our 2-year-old's incredible resiliency. Through 2022's wild ride of joys and heartaches, she made it clear that she's a fighter. She deserves the same from us as we learn to speak and act on her behalf.

Violet rang in the New Year with a triple cocktail — COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and rhinovirus. She spent eight days downtown at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Children like Violet, with her low muscle tone and narrow breathing passages, often struggle to maintain a healthy blood-oxygen level when they're battling through viruses that leave them exhausted and congested.

Violet has trisomy 21, an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. That additional piece of genetic material causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome in roughly one in 700 babies born in the United States. Children with Down syndrome are prone to health problems, low muscle tone and cognitive delays.

More:Coming up Violet this October for Down Syndrome Awareness

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The low tone makes it difficult to cough hard enough to clear phlegm. The narrow windpipe and nasal cavities don't allow as much air to reach the lungs. A normal blood-oxygen level is usually 95% or higher. Between 91% and 95% is considered cause for concern. Below 85% can negatively affect the brain. Without oxygen support, that's where Violet's O₂ level would head, particularly when she was asleep. So, for more than a week, she was poked, prodded, jabbed, and tested, all while tethered to an oxygen supply and a pulse-ox machine until she could safely eat, sleep and play on room air alone.

And while, to be sure, Violet had tired moments when the arrival of a nurse in her room was enough to cause her eyes to well up, she nearly always sent them on their way with a smile, a wave and a friendly "bye," as if her illness couldn't hold her positivity and joy at bay for long.

Violet was still learning to walk when she went into the hospital. On my days and nights there, I tried to get her to stand up and move around in her bed to keep her from losing ground. In addition to strongly advocating for Violet's needs during the hospital stay, Emily went a big step further, arranging for nurses to bring in a playmat so Violet could do physical therapy and engage in activities that improve core strength, motor planning and dexterity.

When she was released from the hospital, she got back to one of her favorite exercises — climbing up the steps — without missing a beat. Her parents, on the other hand, still haven't completely recovered from eight days of dealing with doctors, sleeping on hospital couches, eating hospital food, juggling work and domestic responsibilities and figuring out who was spending the night with Violet and who was taking care of her older brother Luke, 5, who couldn't go to school as the sibling of someone who'd tested positive for COVID-19.

Then we did it all again in March when Violet contracted human metapneumovirus and spent a week at Capital Health in Hopewell, New Jersey.

Violet's 2022 brought joys as well.

In the spring, she was asked to serve as one of six ambassadors for Easterseals of Southeastern Pennsylvania at its annual "Walk With Me" fundraiser at Montgomery County's Elmwood Park Zoo, an initiative that involved a Team Violet fundraising challenge and a video of our family talking about Violet and the role Easterseals has played in her development.

Emily grabbed the fundraising reins. She got "Team Violet" T-shirts and pins designed and ordered, and mounted an all-out effort to support an organization that's done so much to support us. And, on the day of the walk, we were surrounded by friends and family who bathed the zoo in a sea of purple.

Over the summer, we grappled with whether to change Violet's day care setting for the upcoming school year. Rather than keep her going to a provider who cares for children out of her home, we contemplated sending her to a preschool with toddler classrooms. While most of the centers we visited were very accommodating of the fact that Violet wasn't walking at that time, placement in our preferred classroom in our top-choice school hinged on us supplying a one-on-one aide that would go through Violet's school day with her.

We called a dozen understaffed and under-resourced agencies but weren't able to get even an interview with a prospective aide. So we pushed the school to make reasonable accommodations to allow Violet to be included in the classroom to which she'd have been assigned had she been walking. After numerous email exchanges, a couple of virtual conferences and two in-person visits to the school, we decided to leave Violet where she was, in a setting where she is loved, challenged and fully incorporated into each day's activities with no strings attached.

That's as it should be. And that's not just Violet's dad saying that. The federal departments of education and health and human services issued a 2015 policy statement promoting inclusion and defining it as "including children with disabilities in early childhood programs, together with their peers without disabilities; holding high expectations and intentionally promoting participation in all learning and social activities; facilitating individualized accommodations; and using evidence-based services and supports to foster development (cognitive, language, communication, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional), friendships with peers, and a sense of belonging."

We understand that advocating for Violet's needs is something that we will be doing for a long time and we need to be able to do it well. On that score, we received invaluable assistance from Violet's amazing team of therapists, her service coordinator at Bucks County Early Intervention and others who've contributed to the development of Violet's IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan). We also appreciated some excellent information and guidance from Bureau of Early Intervention Service and Family Supports in the state's Office of Child Development and Early Learning.

Advocacy isn't easy, particularly for introverted, go-along-to-get-along personalities like mine. But our daughter's joyous life, her boundless love and her effulgent smile motivate us to try our best. Her determination, resiliency and forceful rejection of limits placed on her inspire us to try even harder.

Every day we thank her for that. In October, we celebrate it to raise awareness for her brothers and sisters nationwide with Down syndrome and honor the journeys we, as their parents, get to take with them.

John Anastasi is Viewpoint Director and Editorial Writer for the USA Today Network, Pennsylvania. He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Down Syndrome Awareness: Learning to fight, advocate alongside Violet