Andover couple named new owners of Manchester Athletic Club

Sep. 19—MANCHESTER — An Andover couple will own and operate the Manchester Athletic Club beginning Oct. 1.

Jessica and Joshua Pletka were chosen earlier this month by Cell Signaling Technologies, a Danvers-based biotech company that owns the MAC plot of land, to take over operations at the fitness and tennis center.

"As a MAC member and resident of Manchester, I am excited about the enthusiasm the Pletkas share for maintaining and expanding upon the tradition of the MAC," said Cell Signaling Technologies President and CEO Michael Comb in statement announcing the ownership change. "Their abilities and plans for the future will ensure the club will remain a wonderful community asset."

John Atwood of Atwood Consulting assisted Cell Signaling Technologies in the search. Of the seven potential candidates, Atwood ultimately recommended the Pletkas to Cell Signaling Technologies.

"We chose the Pletkas partly because there was a feeling of their commitment to the MAC and the community," he explained. "They've been heavily involved in tennis side of (the MAC). Their children are involved in it and they are there nearly every day."

Jessica Pletka is the CFO of the biopharmaceutical company Zetagen Therapeutics. Her husband, Joshua Pletka, is an orthopedic surgeon.

"It's been crazy," Jessica Pletka said of working on the transition in such a tight timeframe. "But we have tremendous outreach form community. We're incredibly lucky and blessed to be able to stand up and help (the MAC)."

Pletka said she'll handle day-to-day operations until the couple finds a general manager.

"It's going great," she said of the search. "There will be an opportunity for someone hopefully within 30 to 60 days."

The Pletkas hope to expand on the offerings at the MAC while maintaining what made the facility so successful in the first place. Their first projects will be to upgrade the fitness and common areas, create a space for paddle tennis and reopen the MAC café. Additional capital projects will be announced later this year, according to Cell Signaling Technologies' announcement.

Other considerations include more fitness and group classes, pickle ball, partnering a paddle tennis league, developing a nonprofit dedicated to youth tennis and sports, and implementing additional nutrition, injury prevention, weight loss, bone health, flexibility, sports massage and medical education services.

"We're working with Cell Signaling Technologies which is currently working on master plan for acreage," Jessica Pletkasaid. "It should complement what we're doing very well."

All the while, Jessica Pletka hopes to retain as many MAC staffers who wish to continue working at the facility.

"There's definitely space and jobs to be done," she explained. "We want people to have seats on the bus on our side to make this facility hum."

Cell Signaling Technologies in July purchased the MAC lot and two neighboring plots on Atwater Avenue, totaling 48 acres, from Anthony Simboli of Simboli Properties.

"The Pletkas are looking to build upon the tradition created by the Simboli family by continuing and advancing club offerings to ensure the facility remains a premier fitness and racquet sport facility on the North Shore," said Cell Signaling Technologies in its announcement.

Michael Cronin may be contacted at 978-675-2708, or

Michael Cronin may be contacted at 978-675-2708, or