Andover voters have much to consider on Election Day

Nov. 7—ANDOVER — Residents heading to the polls on Election Day have more to consider than voting state and federal candidates into office.

In addition to voting on the positions of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, US Senator, Congressional R e p r e s e n t a t i v e , State Senator, State Representative, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Comptroller, State Attorney General and regional Judge of Probate, residents will also be asked to vote on revisions to the town charter.

New proposals concern the annual budget process.

A draft revision to the Town Charter proposes that if the annual budget fails at its first vote, it be split into two separate voting questions at future referendums, so that residents can indicate if they oppose the school budget but approve the town fiscal plan, or approve the school's budgetary proposal but reject the town's budget. Voters will be asked if they approve revising the charter accordingly.

A second revision proposes that if the budget is not approved before the start of the fiscal year in on July 1, that the town be authorized to implement a temporary budget in order to pay necessary bills. Voters will be asked if they approve that revision as well.

A third proposal for the charter is to revise wording for the position of Town Administrator. Currently, the charter calls for a Town Administrator to hold a baccalaureate degree. The proposal, which is another separate question on the ballot, is whether to change the wording to make any candidate for the town's top seat eligible if they hold a bachelor's degree or possess an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. That will also be a separate question on the ballot.

The final charter revision question concerns the authority of the Board of Selectmen in hiring and firing practices. The proposed amendment would allow the selectmen more leeway in appointing, contracting with, or dismissing town staff, excluding those serving in the Resident State Trooper program. The townspeople will be asked whether they approve that revision in a separate question.

Additionally, all voters across the state will be asked whether they approve a constitutional amendment to allow the General Assembly to provide for early voting.

The election of state and national candidates, the question of the constitutional amendment, and the four questions on the town's charter amendments will all be on the ballot on November 8.

The polls in Andover are located in the community room of the Andover Town Hall, located at 17 School Road, and will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.