Android 11 can show personal events in your work Calendar

Your colleagues and Workspace admins won't see your personal data.

Google Calendar has a handy new feature on Android 11 for Workspace users with work profiles. You can view all of your work and personal data together in the work Calendar app without having to link your accounts.

The Workspace (formerly G Suite) team has tapped into a secure mechanism in Android 11 that keeps your personal and work calendar data separate on work profiles. Unless you share personal calendars with your work account, your colleagues and admins won't be able to see your non-work appointments. Nor will you see work events on your personal Calendar app. You can quickly switch to your personal account to make changes to that calendar.

The feature's off by default so you'll need to activate it from the settings. Your Workspace admin will need to allow it as well. Google has started to roll out the feature, which should be live for all Workspace users within the next couple of weeks.