Annual Perseid meteor shower peaking this weekend. Here's how Puebloans can check it out

The Perseid meteor shower will reach its highest visibility this weekend, providing a spectacle for viewers.

The annual meteor shower is an astronomical event that occurs every year in late summer, said William Brown, former Colorado State University Pueblo professor and president of the Southern Colorado Astronomical Society.

"Meteor showers happen when the Earth moves through fields of debris floating around in space," Brown said.

"The Perseids come from comet Swift-Tuttle, a big ball of ice and rock that sheds pieces of dusty debris as it orbits around the sun. When the Earth passes by, those bits get caught in our atmosphere and burn up, creating the streaking lights. The Perseids get their name from the constellation Perseus, because the meteors’ paths appear to start out from this point in the sky."

When is the best time to witness the meteor shower?

"This year’s shower is already active, but the main event will be this weekend when the shower reaches its peak from Saturday night into Sunday morning," Brown said.

"Starting around 11 p.m. local time Saturday, a few meteors will start to show up — maybe one every 15 minutes." The meteors will reach a crescendo Sunday before dawn, where the meteors will be "all over the place," Brown said.

The Perseids over Price Lake, Mile Marker 297 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Blowing Rock, North Carolina.
The Perseids over Price Lake, Mile Marker 297 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

How Puebloans can see the meteor shower

Brown noted that moon conditions will be ideal for viewing the meteor shower this year.

"During this weekend’s peak, the moon will be a waning crescent — just a small slice in the sky," he said. "That’s good news because a bright moon can make it harder to spot the meteors. Last year, the moon was full during the peak. Anyone in the Northern Hemisphere will have a good view this year, as long as the sky is clear of light pollution and clouds."

While no equipment is required to view the astrological phenomenon, Brown suggested getting somewhere outside of the city, where light pollution will be at a minimum.

Brown also recommended giving your eyes a half-hour to adjust.

"Avoid looking at your cellphone since that can ruin your night vision," he said.

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This article originally appeared on The Pueblo Chieftain: How to see the Perseid meteor shower in Pueblo