Annual prom for special needs families has major turnout

Feb. 13—MOULTRIE, Ga. — Heritage Church of Moultrie was booming while kids and adults with special needs danced the night away at its Night to Shine dance Friday evening.

"This is our seventh year hosting Night to Shine. It's a special needs prom and it's a way for our community to come together and show support for individuals with different abilities," Nettie Hatcher, the Breathe organization's founder and the Night to Shine organizer, said.

Night to Shine is a national initiative that was kick-started by a Florida-based non-profit organization, the Tim Tebow Foundation. The foundation selected Heritage Church as its first church host location within South Georgia in 2015.

The church remains a consistent host location in collaboration with the Breathe Organization.

When asked why it is important for Heritage Church to sponsor and host the event Lead Pastor Brad Bowen said, "These families have a 24-hour day job and I think we take for granted all they have to do for their loved ones. Anything we can do to let them know that they're not alone, to encourage them, to give them a night of fun and rest we're all in to do."

The Breathe Organization is a local nonprofit that advocates for and assists families who have kids and adults with special needs.

The three-hour dance had about 180 participants and more than 300 volunteers who were eager to kick-start the event.

Jason and Elvira Gibson have volunteered for the program since the church's special needs ministry began and its inaugural Night to Shine.

Elvira Gibson's favorite part of the event is seeing people come together as a community and supporting families that have disabilities or people that may be different from them.

"I think that we broke some barriers that might have been out there before. It's just really exciting to watch them," she said.

The participants experienced "all things prom" as they went through fitting, beauty, and photo stations prior to entering the prom on the red carpet.

Tommie Beth Willis helped run the floral corsage and boutonniere station. Willis along with the other floral volunteers were delighted to assist the attendees and said the flowers are just one of the many little details that help make the attendee's night memorable.

The attendees were full of energy as they entered the dance on the red carpet. Each person was introduced while they walked the red carpet. At the end of the carpet, a member of the Prayer and Blessing team crowned the attendees as king or queen for the night.

Stephanie Winden and other team members led the attendees in a brief prayer and spoke blessings over them before they were served dinner. A dancing period followed as people hit the floor with music provided by Derrick Dove & the Peacekeepers of Tifton.

Chick-fil-A of Moultrie's cow mascot also made an appearance and danced with the attendees.

"An event like this does not happen without a lot of partnerships and volunteers. We are so thankful for a community that is so willing to come together and share their time, resources and talents to make a night like this absolutely spectacular," Bowen said.