Anonymous Security Researcher Uncovers Exploit in Bitmain’s Bitcoin Miner S15

Bitmain, Bitcoin miner, Antminer S15
Bitmain, Bitcoin miner, Antminer S15

Developer James Hilliard, best known for his Bitcoin Improvement Proposal #91 (the BIP which activated SegWit and prevented SegWit2x) and the CGMiner program, discovered a vulnerability in Bitmain’s Antminer S15 firmware.

The vulnerability was then turned into an exploit by an anonymous security researcher. Hilliard has publicly demonstrated the exploit in action:

The exploit allows an attacker to do basically anything, including modifying the payout address of an exploited miner. A previous vulnerability called “Antbleed” allowed any Antminer to be shutdown remotely, creating an existential risk to the Bitcoin network, which relies heavily on Bitmain hardware.

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