Widow drops diamond ring in red Salvation Army kettle for charity

A widow dropped her diamond engagement ring and wedding band into a red Salvation Army kettle outside Boston’s North Station last Wednesday.

The anonymous woman also left a note asking for the rings to be sold, so the charity could purchase toys for children in need this holiday season.

“In all seasons, my husband was a giver,” her note reads. “I especially remember his joy in giving at Christmastime, especially to those in need. To honor his memory, I donate this ring.”

Lt. Michael Harper of the Cambridge Salvation Army said the rings and message were found in a small sandwich baggie after the kettles were collected at the end of the day.

“It’s pretty amazing. We were stunned,” he said in an interview with Yahoo News. “What a wonderful tribute to her husband.”

Harper explained that the donation was accompanied by a jeweler’s appraisal dated 2003.

“The appraisal at the time was $1,850,” he said. “Chances are they are worth more now.”

The unidentified benefactor said that she hopes a wealthy person will buy the ring for 10 times its worth to bring more joy into the lives of children.

“After all, there’s no price on love or the sentimental value of this ring. But money will help the kids,” she wrote. “May everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!”

The Salvation Army would like to thank the woman for donating something of great personal value. But it is not attempting to try to identify her, out of respect for her wish to remain anonymous.