‘Another day in paradise.’ Thousands of bikers roar into Grand Strand for 83rd spring rally

Straddling his beloved Harley-Davidson, Chris Shaw let a big grin crack from ear-to-ear as he took in the sounds of revving engines and southern rock pumping around him.

“Another day in paradise,” the Virginia native said. “Freedom.”

Shaw is among the tens of thousands of bikers roaring into the Grand Strand for the next eight days to participate in the 83rd annual Myrtle Beach Bike Week Spring Rally — a signature event that taps deep into an American subculture that’s almost a century old.

Shaw and dozens of others spent their Saturday morning at North Myrtle Beach’s Barefoot Landing. The outdoor retail and entertainment village turns over its parking lot to vendors and outfitters for the duration of bike week, making it one of the most popular gathering places for riders.

Bike Week itself is back at full strength after two years of pandemic-related disruptions, although reminders of what COVID took from this vast yet close-knit group of enthusiasts is not far from the surface.

“It’s nice to see all of my old friends come back in,” said Larry Gonzalez, a national sales representative with Bugslide, a motorcycle detailing company that travels across the U.S. with its services. “But I’ve lost friends. I can mention five friends from rallies that I’ve lost due to COVID, so it’s nice to see people come back here and talk to them.”

For many bikers, mingling with those not affiliated with the motorcycle culture is a highlight of the trip.

“The biggest thing we try to do is make people aware,” Shaw said. “A lot of people see bikers and they run. Just because they got a patch on their back don’t make them a bad person. They’re some of the greatest people you’ll ever meet.”

A half-mile from Barefoot Landing is North Myrtle Beach’s Harley-Davidson shop, where chrome glimmered off rows of bikes lined up out front on Saturday morning.

That’s where Max and Tiley, 6-week-old vervet monkeys, were nestled into the arms of Margo and Ken Long of Bristol, Virginia. It was the first of what will be many bike weeks for the simians.

Clad in diapers and customized vests, the monkeys ride in a backpack attached to the bikes.

‘’They don’t get hot, because they have to be 105 degrees at all times,” Margo Long said.