Tropical storm warning issued as Bermuda sits in Philippe’s path, rains hit Virgin Islands

Tropical Storm Philippe’s heavy rains dousing the U.S., British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are starting to lessen, but Bermuda is now under a tropical storm warning, according to the National Hurricane Center. Philippe’s predicted path has Bermuda in its center.

Here’s what to know about Philippe from the National Hurricane Center’s latest advisory.

Strength: Philippe’s maximum sustained winds slightly dropped to 40 mph as of the 5 p.m. Wednesday advisory. Tropical storm force winds extend 205 miles from the storm’s center.

“Little change in strength is forecast during the next day or so. Some strengthening is possible on Friday and Saturday,” the hurricane center said.

Where Philippe is: The storm was about 295 miles north of St. Thomas and 675 miles south of Bermuda.

Where Philippe is going: The storm is moving north at 12 mph, a pick-up in speed from earlier in the day. Philippe is expected to continue heading in this direction and get faster through Saturday.

On the forecast track, the center of Philippe will approach and pass near Bermuda Thursday night and Friday, the hurricane center said at 5 p.m.

Watches or warnings: A tropical storm watch for Bermuda was upgraded to a tropical storm warning.

Hazards: Philippe was dropping 1 to 3 inches of rain on most of the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, 12 inches in some areas, and 2 to 4 inches of rain across Puerto Rico. Rainfall is expected to diminish through the night.

Bermuda will start seeing about 3 to 6 inches of rain starting Thursday and continuing through Friday.

The warnings about the swells-created “life-threatening surf and rip currents” for the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Leeward Islands.

“Large swells are already affecting Bermuda from another weather system but will begin to increase further on Thursday as Philippe approaches the island,” the hurricane center said.

Effect on Florida or the U.S. East Coast: None in the forecast.

Next advisory: The next complete advisory will be at 11 p.m.

Most likely arrival time of Tropical Storm Philippe’s winds as of Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 4, 2023.
Most likely arrival time of Tropical Storm Philippe’s winds as of Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 4, 2023.