Ant-Man’s Cast Has Some Great Advice For The New Spider-Man

Tom Holland’s recent unveiling as Spider-Man means that the 19-year-old English actor suddenly finds himself under a lot of pressure to please millions of people.

But he’s not alone in this ordeal, because Holland has got the Marvel family to support him. And during a recent interview with IGN, via Comic Book Movie, the cast of ‘Ant-Man’ offered Holland a wave of advice for how to excel as the webbed wonder.

And when you have an acting behemoth like Michael Douglas parting wisdom your way it’s probably worth listening to what he has to say. The ‘Wall Street’ star, who portrays Hank Pym in ‘Ant-Man’, told Holland to simply enjoy the ride because “he’s in good hands.”

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Douglas insisted that Holland should trust Marvel Studios implicitly with how they’re going to create his Spider-Man since they have a “great sense of making character driven superheroes.”

Which is a remark that you can’t really argue with, as the studio’s depictions and casting of the likes of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Star-Lord, and, hopefully, Ant-Man, has been flawless. The only character they’ve struggled to cast is The Hulk – until Mark Ruffalo that is.

What advise did Ant-Man himself have for Holland though? Well, it turns out, very little actually. That’s because Paul Rudd admitted that he’s still struggling to adjust to being involved himself.

The comedic actor explained that he’s had the time of his life playing Ant-Man in the superhero’s origin story and in ‘Captain America: Civil War’, and he thinks that, like himself, Holland should just strap himself in and enjoy the ride.

Holland’s career as Spider-Man will commence with a brief cameo in next summer’s ‘Captain America: Civil War’, before he gets his very own Spider-Man solo film, directed by Jon Watts, which will hit on July 27, 2017.

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[Images via Marvel Studios & Sony]