Update: Anti-Islam Blog Back Up, WordPress Says CAIR Had Nothing to Do With Suspension

Bare Naked Islam — the anti-Muslim blog taken down by its hosting site reportedly after complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations — is back up, and WordPress.com says CAIR had nothing to do with the blog’s suspension.

As The Blaze reported this morning, visitors to barenakedislam.wordpress.com were directed to a message saying the blog had been suspended for violating hosting site WordPress.com’s terms of service. CAIR claimed victory for the blog’s removal, stating in a press release it had been monitoring the site and had filed numerous terms of service violation reports with WordPress.com.

But according to an email obtained by The Blaze Friday afternoon, the founder of WordPress.com informed the Bare Naked Islam blog owner the site was being turned back on until Jan. 6, after which time it would need to find a new host.

According to the email, the blog was removed for “numerous examples” of violating the terms of service rule prohibiting threats or inciting violence. Additionally, despite CAIR’s claims, WordPress.com said the organization had nothing to do with the site’s suspension:

Finally although there was a press release from CAIR claiming to have been behind this I haven’t heard of them until today and as far as we can tell none of the ToS reports that caused the blog to be reviewed were from anyone involved with that organization. WordPress.com does not suspend blogs at the request of individuals or organizations, only for violations of our Terms of Service.

By Friday evening, the site was back up with a post titled “Bare Naked Islam is back……sort of”:

WordPress now saying that CAIR had nothing to do with their decision to take down my blog (despite CAIR bragging about it all over the internet). But they still want me off by Jan. 6th.

CAIR has not issued a comment on the site’s reinstatement.

Editor’s note: This post incorrectly stated the email obtained by The Blaze was written by a WordPress developer instead of the founder of WordPress.com. Additionally, the hosting site was referred to in multiple places as “WordPress,“ not ”WordPress.com,” a separate entity. The post has been updated to reflect these changes.