Anti-Mask Demonstrators March in Calgary

Anti-mask demonstrators marched in Calgary on Sunday, July 19, asking the city council not to mandate the wearing of face masks, according to local reports.

The March to Unmask gathered in Olympic Plaza to “stand in solidarity with marches being held across the country against mandatory masks,” according to the group’s Facebook page. A similar march was held outside the Alberta legislature in Edmonton, local media reported.

Calgary City Council was scheduled on June 20 to begin discussions on whether masks should be mandatory on transit and some indoor areas where physical distancing measures can’t be followed, according to local reports.

This video shows demonstrators walking on Stephen Avenue in Calgary on Sunday afternoon.

One protester is seen holding a sign that reads, “Fear will fail.”

As of July 19, Alberta had reported 9,219 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Credit: Joe D’Angelo via Storyful