Can antitrust enforcement save the digital free market from Big Tech monopolies?

In the myth we like to tell ourselves about the internet economy, the archetypal hero is usually a brilliant engineer coding away in a dorm room or garage, coming up with a world-changing innovation that launches a billion-dollar business. The internet as the ultimate meritocracy: a revolutionary platform that lets every idea compete on equal terms for customers across the globe.

Perhaps the internet once worked that way, but I can tell you firsthand that it certainly doesn’t anymore.

Instead, as the commercial internet approaches its 30th birthday, it’s now dominated by a small handful of monopolistic bullies with trillion-dollar valuations and the unchecked power to dictate what sites you visit, what articles you read, and what products you buy. These big tech giants — Google, first among them — have long ago abandoned their own garage-innovator roots (and with it, their “Don’t Be Evil” worldview) in favor of business models built on rent-seeking and the illegal suppression of competitors. It’s a playbook more reminiscent of the robber barons of the 1890s than the dot-com free-for-all of the 1990s.

For the sake of illustration, consider my own company’s experience under Google’s idea of a “free” market.

Kelkoo launched our first comparison-shopping site more than 20 years ago, back when the internet still held promise as a wide-open playing field for innovation and competition. Our idea was simple: bring together products from thousands of retailers in one place, letting consumers find the best deals and a wider selection of choices. We found ourselves in a crowded marketplace alongside dozens of competitors, each facing intense competitive pressure to improve our tools, refine new features and deliver customers the best prices and experience.

Consumers end up paying the price

Google decided it wanted to compete in our category, but its offering, Froogle (later rebranded Google Shopping), was a flop. Even after copying all of the best features from the leading shopping sites, consumers preferred competitors over Google’s copycat tool. Unable to win on a level playing field, Google altered its search results, burying competitors' results so deep that users would likely never find us and putting its own Google Shopping service in the top slot.

With these anticompetitive tactics, Google methodically suffocated competition in the shopping market, driving competitors like, Pricegrabber and Nextag to (or past) the brink of extinction. These companies’ founders, investors, and thousands of employees weren’t the only victims in this story; less competition means retailers now pay higher advertising costs, meaning consumers pay higher prices. If you buy a $650 TV online, you’re probably paying $20 more today than you’d pay if the online shopping ecosystem was more competitive.

Google logo displayed on a carpet.
Google logo displayed on a carpet.

Google’s brute-force takeover of the comparison shopping market is just a canary in the coal mine. Yelp sounded the alarm after Google ran the exact same playbook to manipulate search results for local businesses and reviews. The lucrative travel booking market appears to be next on Google’s chopping block, as Google drives users to its own flight and hotel booking tools at the expense of competitors like Expedia or Kayak. The same fate that befell our industry — startups shuttered, jobs lost, advertising costs and consumer prices increased — awaits any other segment of the digital economy Google decides it wants to control.

The problem is bigger than just Google, because Big Tech’s other leviathans have been watching closely and mimicking the same playbook. Anytime a company exercises complete control over a platform — be it a search engine, App Store, or a dominant e-commerce platform — while also trying to compete against smaller competitors on that same platform, it’s a recipe for anti-competitive abuse and anti-consumer outcomes.

Actions taken

Both in the United States and in Europe, antitrust enforcers have woken up to Google’s anti-competitive pattern of leveraging its search monopoly to choke, rather than out-innovate, its competition. In the past year, the U.S. Department of Justice and nearly every state’s attorney general have launched antitrust investigations into these practices, while in Congress the House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee has also started a probe of its own.

It is absolutely vital that these investigations result in meaningful enforcement action; this moment demands nothing less than a crusade to reclaim the promise of the internet as an ecosystem where markets are free and competition is fair.

Another tech giant: Elections have changed. So has Facebook.

But Google’s experience evading accountability in recent European investigations stands as a warning. Even after being fined $2.7 billion in 2017 by the EU for search discrimination, Google was given an opportunity to propose its own “solution” — which failed entirely to restore the search traffic Google had diverted from competing shopping websites. The EU’s Competition Commissioner has publicly acknowledged Google’s self-imposed “solution” isn’t working.

Half-measures like those imposed by the EU to date won’t restore competition. The antitrust investigations currently underway across the U.S. represent the last, best hope to restore the internet we were promised: a free and open platform driving unprecedented competition and innovation. But unless these watchdogs show some real teeth, newly appointed Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai will be able to continue Google’s decimation of competition — and consumers will end up paying the price.

Richard Stables is the CEO of the Kelkoo Group, a global network of product comparison and e-commerce sites.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Google’s anti-competitive practices decimate online shopping industry