AOC calls minimum wage ‘indentured service’ as she returns to old job behind bar

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez returned to her old job behind the bar to promote increased wages for restaurant servers and other tipped workers.

The New York politician, famously worked as a bartender before being elected to US Congress last year, took lunch orders, served pizza and cocktails at her

“Any job that pays $2.13 an hour is not a job,” she told restaurant workers, customers and reporters at the Queensboro Restaurant in her New York City district, referring to the lowest possible wage before tips.

“It’s indentured servitude. All labour has dignity and the way that we give labour dignity is by paying people the respect and the value that they are worth... We have to raise the national minimum wage to $15 an hour.”

Taking to Twitter after her stint behind the bar, she wrote: “I was nervous that I may have lost my touch - still got it! That muscle memory doesn’t quit."