DC wades into CD1 race: AOC endorses Regunberg, Patrick Kennedy in for Amo

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Two of the frontrunners in the 1st Congressional District special election announced high profile endorsements Thursday: New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Aaron Regunberg and former Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy for Gabe Amo.

The stars of progressive Washington have lined up for Regunberg and the Ocasio-Cortez endorsement comes on the heels of Bernie Sanders endorsing the former Providence state lawmaker's campaign.

Known as "AOC," Ocasio-Cortez is in her third term and has a large social media following. She described Regunberg Thursday as a "fierce champion for working people."

“As a community organizer, climate lawyer, and state legislator – Aaron has been a fierce champion for working people,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a news release. Now, he’s running for Congress to pass a $15 minimum wage and to fight for a Green New Deal. I’m proud to support him."

Kennedy represented Rhode Island's 1st District for 16 years ending in 2011 and is now a mental health advocate.

"There are a number of good candidates in this race, but Gabe stands apart as the most experienced, and I know how important it is that Rhode Island is represented by strong leadership in Washington," Kennedy said in a news release. "No one is more prepared than Gabe. Gabe’s long career in public service and his deep Rhode Island values equip him to effectively serve Rhode Islanders in Congress."

In addition to the endorsement, Kennedy has also made a television ad for Amo.

"My family has a long tradition of public service…working in government to help people," the ad says. "And that’s why I’m endorsing Gabe Amo for Congress. Gabe grew up in Pawtucket and his hard work and passion for public service took him all the way to the White House. He knows how government works – he’s the one who will deliver for Rhode Island."

The endorsement by AOC, a Latina, provides Regunberg additional cover in a race in which he has been criticized for potentially denying what could be the first person of color to represent Rhode Island in Congress.

“I’m really honored to have the endorsement of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, someone who’s taken on corporate special interests to fight for a fair economy and a government that works for all of us,” Regunberg said in the news release.

The endorsement was announced by the Working Families Party, which has endorsed Regunberg and is aligned with Ocasio-Cortez.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorses Regunberg, Patrick Kennedy backs Amo