AOC's latest comments show how 'complicated' infrastructure bill passage will be

The Senate is growing optimistic about passing its nearly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill soon. The legislative text should be completed Sunday, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) indicated, and Manchin said he's hopeful the process can finish up by the end of the week. But that won't necessarily guarantee it gets to President Biden's desk.

As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) pointed out on Sunday's edition of State of the Union on CNN, the House needs to sign off on the package, as well, and she and her fellow progressive Democrats may wind up blocking it if the Senate is unable to also secure a larger budget proposal via reconciliation. "We have to hold on to that bargain," Ocasio-Cortez told host Jake Tapper, adding that she's also concerned about some of the pay-fors in the bipartisan bill. "Bipartisan doesn't always mean that it's in the interest of the public good," she said.

PunchBowl News' Amanda Palmer noted that the congresswoman's comments underscore "how complicated the next steps for infrastructure are going to be — even beyond what happens in the Senate."

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