This 'Harry Potter' activewear will guarantee you the House Cup

Someone give us a Triwizard Tournament to win, as we need an excuse to hand over our galleons for this new Harry Potter-inspired activewear.

A new range from Australian label Black Milk, "Team Hogwarts," is something we'd actually wear — and maybe exercise in (or just rewatch the Prisoner of Azkaban).

SEE ALSO: 'Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery' finally lets you fulfill your fantasy of attending Hogwarts

Choose your house, whether Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, then pick from tank tops, leggings, tunic dresses and sweatshirts emblazoned with your colours. Each piece ranges from A$70-120 ($53-91), so it won't empty your entire Gringott's vault.

The range will be released online at 7  a.m. AEST on Dec. 19 (that's Dec. 18 for the northern hemisphere, 4 p.m. ET). 

Image: black milk

Just look at this fierce group of Gryffindors. They'll obliterate you in a quidditch match faster than a bludger smashed by a Weasley twin.

Image: black milk

We're super keen on the Slytherin range to be honest, and would wear it to a game any day — or cuddle up on the couch in it, rewatching Tom Riddle do his thang. Either way.

Image: black milk

This isn't the first Harry Potter collection for Black Milk — not even the first this year. The label released a Hogwarts-themed line in July 2017, featuring sweaters, tights and skater dresses inspired by your favourite school of witchcraft and wizardry. Shoutout to the Ron and Harry Christmas sweaters.

It's all much more PG than this Harry Potter-inspired lingerie. Gulpin' gargoyles.

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