Apparently Now People ‘Crowdfund’ Their Moves to NYC

Scenery ain't cheap, kids. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Scenery ain't cheap, kids. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Scenery ain't cheap, kids. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Look, New York is a tough town. The rent is too damn high, you've got to sell a liver to buy groceries and let's not even discuss the cost of booze. It helps to move here with a little nest egg. And so the latest crop of newcomers has turned to a particularly zeitgeist-y solution: Crowdfunding.

According to AM New York, "young creative types" are turning to sites like GoFundMe, palms out to receive crisp bills in the denomination of your choice:

"I have been dreaming of living in New York City since my first visit in 8th grade," reads the plea on dancer JesAnn Nail's page on GoFundMe, the most popular site for aspiring New Yorkers. "Help Noodle move to NYC!" and "Help Amanda B. move to NYC!" plead other postings.

Of course, a couple thousand bucks for airline tickets and your first month's rent doesn't exactly give you much of a foothold. One of the recent migrants admitted as much. The money's "gone. It went very quickly." She's got ideas, though:

She is now booking dance students from social dancing forays and from her website,, and producing paintings she hopes to sell. Her boyfriend -- who landed a $1,900 a month apartment -- has helped her out and while she is not yet able to pay her share, she plans to remain. "If you're willing to live in the boroughs, you can make it work," said Nail.

Anything but "the boroughs"!

Buck up, kid. You can always relocate to Bushwick, dream up some vaguely artsy invention and hope for an even bigger influx of strangers' cash, this time via Kickstarter.

(h/t Gothamist)