Appleton heads toward Nov. 8 advisory referendum on legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin

APPLETON - It appears Appleton voters will get a say on whether Wisconsin should legalize marijuana for personal use.

The city's Safety and Licensing Committee on Wednesday recommended the city hold an advisory referendum on Nov. 8 asking the following question:

"Should marijuana be legalized for adult use, taxed and regulated like alcohol in the state of Wisconsin?"

The committee's recommendation will be considered by the Common Council next Wednesday. A majority of the 15-member council already has indicated support for the referendum.

Four council members — Alex Schultz, Nate Wolff, Kristin Alfheim and Chris Croatt — backed the referendum in committee, and another five council members have co-signed a resolution calling for the referendum.

Alex Schultz
Alex Schultz

"We're surrounded by states that have legalized marijuana in one form or another," Schultz told The Post-Crescent. "People are going out of state constantly to get the stuff and bring it back in. Why don't we make money on it instead of sending it out to our partners?"

The referendum wouldn't carry the force of law. Rather, according to the resolution, it would "measure public opinion on allowing adults 21 years of age and older to engage in the personal use of marijuana, while also regulating commercial marijuana-related activities, and imposing a tax on the sale of marijuana."

Council member Sheri Hartzheim opposed the referendum in committee. She said  legalizing marijuana is "a state thing, and the state is behind in acting."

"I believe that if we put pressure personally on our state representatives, that can and will make a difference," Hartzheim said, "but I don't believe that an advisory referendum in Appleton will make a huge difference."

Wolff said despite broad support for legalizing marijuana, state legislators haven't acted.

"That is why I'm supporting this," Wolff said. "I think that we have to continue to tell them that this is something that the people of Wisconsin want."

Schultz said Appleton's referendum would be part of a broader effort among municipalities to bring the legalization of marijuana to a vote of the people.

"This is about asking the state of Wisconsin what they think about legalization, and we need to be part of that discussion," Schultz said. "I think not being part of this discussion makes us look detached or essentially not involved, and I think that would be a shame."

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City Clerk Kami Lynch said Appleton would be responsible for the cost of the referendum, which she estimated at $2,250. The exact amount, she said, wouldn't be known until the ballots are printed and the election programming is finished.

In December 2018, the Appleton council passed a resolution urging the state to legalize medical marijuana.

The wording of the proposed Nov. 8 referendum doesn't distinguish between medical and recreational marijuana.

The Appleton resolution calling for the referendum includes the following statements:

  • Criminalizing marijuana or cannabis use has failed to curb its use, and according to a Gallup survey conducted in July 2021, 49% of Americans say they have used marijuana, up from 30% in 1985.

  • In a Marquette University Law School poll conducted in February, 61% of Wisconsinites said that marijuana should be “fully legalized and regulated like alcohol,” and recent polls show a majority of Americans favor legalization of adult recreational use of marijuana.

  • Thirty-seven states, including every state surrounding Wisconsin, have legalized some form of marijuana.

  • A study in late 2021 by municipal bond strategists at Barclays suggests that by 2030, states that have legalized marijuana and regulate its sale may realize $12 billion per year in tax revenue to help balance their budgets.

  • Appleton is failing to benefit from marijuana-related small business opportunities and sales tax that neighboring states are increasingly capitalizing on.

  • Marijuana use as an alternative to prescription pain killers has been shown to reduce opioid addiction, and 22% of U.S. military veterans report using medical marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • Legalization would undercut the illicit market and ensure that marijuana use and sale are regulated and safe.

  • The time Appleton law enforcement officers spend enforcing existing marijuana laws and ordinances negatively impacts the time they have available to solve more serious crimes and apprehend more dangerous criminals.

Contact Duke Behnke at 920-993-7176 or Follow him on Twitter at @DukeBehnke.

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This article originally appeared on Appleton Post-Crescent: Appleton advances advisory referendum on legalizing marijuana in state