What the April full moon in Libra means for you and your sign

The first full moon of spring, falling on April 6, has the chance to heal — but growth comes with its challenges. As the full moon in Libra lights up the sky, we’ll take notice of what we need to do in order to improve our circumstances and relationships.

Nicknamed the Pink Moon for the wild pink flowers that bloom with spring, this lunation is often associated with rebirth, renewal and newness. After a long winter, we're getting a glimpse of the beauty the season brings, welcoming the sunshine back into our lives (and our hearts).

The first full moon that occurs after the spring equinox also has a spiritual significance because it determines Easter's date. Easter falls on the the Sunday after the first full moon that falls after, or on, the spring equinox rises.

Here's what to know about the April full moon's significance and how to catch a glimpse.

When is April 2023's full moon, and how can I see it?

The full moon reaches peak illumination on Wednesday, April 5 at 9:34 p.m. PT and on Thursday, April 6 at 12:34 a.m. ET.

April's full moon in Libra has a specific astrological meaning

On April 11, Venus and Pluto will make a trine, and the sun and Jupiter unite in the same sign, Aries. This is the luckiest day of the year!

But before we get there, we have to go through the full moon. The full moon falls within the via combusta, from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio. It's known as the fiery path, and it adds some intensity to the full moon. You might see people dig their heels into the ground more.

Chiron is a small solar system body, per NASA, that also represents the healer of the zodiac. It's opposing the moon at this time, which can add a healing energy to the mix.

Here’s how April 2023's full moon will impact your zodiac sign


This lunation is asking you to make decisions about the future of your relationships. Think before taking an impulsive stance or jumping to conclusions. Communication is key in order to take the right steps going forward.


Embrace a new activity into your daily life. Meditation, yoga, Pilates, or a walkabout in your neighborhood can breathe fresh energy into your body, mind and spirit. This will change your vibe for the moment and add a mood boost — something you've been craving, bu haven't known how to achieve.


All work and no play could leave you thirsting for excitement. You have permission from the cosmos to go out with friends and cut loose (even though the full moon falls on a work and school night his moth). It’ll feel good to let off steam and share a few laughs with those you care about.


You give a lot of TLC to others because of your big heart and compassionate nature. Now, you’re the one in need of kindness and empathy. Pay attention to who shows up for you when you need it most — they’ll prove to be your true blue friends and family.


Phew! After weeks of dealing with a full inbox and voicemail messages, you’re finally able to catch up. In the future, prioritize who and what needs to be dealt with ASAP, so this doesn't happen again.


Abundance is yours this month! Whether it takes the form of a monetary windfall or time with loved ones, you are going to feel full during the full moon. Soak it up!


You may be feeling a bit neglected this month, Libra. Before you retreat into your shell, understand that other people have limited energy. It's not that they don't care. They just might be preoccupied. Do something nice for someone else.


If you’ve been longing for alone time, then the full moon is a day to find comfort in solitude. Treat yourself to a good meal, enthralling movie or shopping expedition. Spending money or energy solely on yourself is just what you need.


It's time to suss out your inner circle. Who's really on your side? Take the time to find out. Yes, you pride yourself on your independence. But you'll be able to fly more confidently if you know there are people who will welcome you when you land.


Reclaim your inner peace. But how? Well, start by tuning down the volume on your insecurities. Remember: Just because your brain is saying something doesn't make it true.


For every action, there is a reaction. Rather than arguing your points to prove your case, choose kindness to express your sentiments. If you choose to lead with compassion, you can avoid all of the drama that can follow. If you opt to lead with anger, prepare yourself for quarrels.


Getting finances in order is a daunting task. Think about who in your life can provide some insight and guidance, and go to them for advice about making a savings plan. If this doesn't resonate, then ask the question: How can you cultivate a sense of security right now? What do you need?

This article was originally published on TODAY.com