Aquatic drone watches pollution, made by teen brains

This is the Canon, an aquatic drone invented by a group of teen scientists in Argentina.

Although it may look a little rough around the edges at first glance, this contraption is designed to monitor pollution levels.

The students came up with the idea when their teacher complained that the water on a local beach was staining his wetsuit after windsurfing.

Yasimel Cabello and Agustin Maiocco are two of the young inventors.


"We realized that taking samples from 13 square kilometers was unfeasible because it was too much to cover. A lot of data like temperature is lost when it's taken to the laboratory. We agreed on a project where information is not stored, doesn't need to be taken to the lab, even if it is basic information. So we created the Canon. It can measure pH, salinity, depth, and temperature. And you can change the sensors according to the situation."


"In the programming, design, and construction it was trial and error from the beginning. As it's a device that is unique and which was created by us, we couldn't just get internet data from something that was already done."

Resources are stretched at the public school where the students built the Canon, so they had to get creative. Many of the drone's parts come from recycled materials.

The device has already been showcased in a few local science fairs and will be presented at an international convention in Mexico.