Archdiocese of Philadelphia Lays Out School Reopening Plans

PHILADELPHIA — The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has laid out its plans to reopen schools in September with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education central to the plans.

Reopening plans vary by school type, with elementary, high, and special education schools for example enacting different plans.

Key differences among the plans allow for best practices of meeting the needs of students who represent a broad range of physical, emotional, and intellectual growth within the Pre-K-12 spectrum, the archdiocese said.

The archdiocese recognizes students and families face a host of health concerns, as well as general anxiety, regarding the potential for the spread of the coronavirus. With that in mind, virtual and other distance learning options are available at most schools for those that feel uncomfortable sending children to school for in-person instruction.

Additionally, the archdiocese said the essential need to be flexible in the face of the ever-evolving pandemic landscape. Developments will be constantly evaluated and plans adjusted accordingly.

"We have the capacity and are prepared to provide a virtual learning environment to the greatest extent possible if necessary," the archdiocese said.

Outlined below are highlights of the reopening plans:

Parish and Regional Elementary Schools

  • In-person Instruction Model: This model has a greater impact at the elementary level as it allows time for students to develop spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically, and academically based on their levels of growth and maturity.

  • Learning Management System (LMS): When a physical presence in the classroom is not possible, a LMS will be provided to centralize materials, lessons, instruction, assessments, feedback, and communication.

  • Social Distancing: As it relates to the classroom set-up; desks should be placed the appropriate distance from the center of each desk to the center of the next desk.

  • Home-Based Temperature Screening: Parents/Guardians to take temperatures and assess for COVID-19 symptoms of child before they leave home.

Archdiocesan High Schools:

  • Hybrid Instruction Model: Reduced class sizes using a hybrid A/B instruction plan that allows for half of the total number of students to be physically present each day.

  • Learning Management System (LMS) Utilizing Schoology: This learning platform complete with Zoom capacity allows for seamless integration with platforms already in use. Cameras will be in classrooms so that students receiving instruction may do so in real-time and for a full day.

  • Social Distancing: As it relates to the classroom desks will be spaced at the appropriate distance. Social distancing will also be observed at lunch, in hallways, and all other aspects of the school environment.

  • Temperature Screening at Home and School: Students should screen themselves for symptoms and temperatures before leaving for school each day.

Archdiocesan Schools of Special Education:

  • Learning Model: Five days per week in person instruction. Students will remain within their specific cohort; each group of students stay together for in person instruction and for lunch. Teachers rotate in and out of the rooms rather than the students. Art, gym, and music teachers will use this routine.

  • PPE: Sneeze guards will be set up on each student's desk, face masks/face shields will be worn in shared areas of the building. Classrooms will be equipped with a no touch thermometer, hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, face masks, face shields, and gloves.

  • Social Distancing: Students will not share materials or food. Water fountains will no longer be available.Students will remain in classrooms most of their day as a cohort. Students will travel only with their cohort and utilize other areas of the school such as bathrooms, computer labs, and gymnasium.

  • Temperature Checks: Parents take temperature before the student leaves home. Thermometers will be available within the classrooms.

Parents and guardians of archdiocesan students can submit questions about reopening plans by emailing

This article originally appeared on the Philadelphia Patch