Area school district trains students on back-to-school safety

As kids get ready to head back to class, students at area school districts are training to keep their peers safe.

Dozens of students showed up to participate in the annual Northmont Safety Patrol Academy at Northmont High School on Wednesday morning.

>> Back to School: Start dates for local districts

“School is starting next week for many in the district, and many school districts across the region, so we want to make sure AAA supports our AAA School Safety Programs throughout the district— giving them tips and helping them with the students that are going to be helping their students,” said Kara Hitchens, public affairs manager of AAA.

Hayley Gillis, a 6th grader at Englewood Elementary, attended this year’s safety patrol program.

“I think it’s good to come and do the program, because every year they add something or they want you to do something different or they just want to talk about things that they’ve seen, like kids messing around and not doing their jobs right,” said Gillis.

Gillis says other schools she’s been to didn’t have safety patrol, which is something she thinks schools can benefit from.

“The benefit of it is they know someone is there to watch and see that every kid that gets dropped off goes into the school,” said Gillis.

AAA is offering the following tips as the new school year gets under way:

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Safety Tips

  • Follow school drop-off and pick-up procedures, and be mindful that these may have changed.

  • Don’t double park. It blocks visibility for other children and vehicles.

  • Don’t load or unload children across the street from the school.

  • Have children exit the vehicle on the “curb side” every time (so they aren’t opening the car door into an oncoming traffic lane or crossing around the front/back of car to get to curb)

  • Slow down, eliminate distractions, and watch for children.

Pedestrian Safety Tips

  • Cross only at corners so drivers can see you. Never cross between parked cars or mid-block.

  • Use a crosswalk when it’s available. Look all ways before crossing. Look and listen for cars, pedestrians and bicyclists.

  • Once you have confirmed traffic has stopped, cross when the light indicates it is safe to cross without further hesitation so you have time to cross safely.

  • Use the crosswalk push-button signal when possible, and cross when the signal allows.

Bicycle Safety Tips

  • Make sure your child has the skills to ride a bike safely, such as riding in a straight line and signaling to vehicles when turning.

  • Choose the safest route to bike to school, one with less traffic and slower speeds. Use bike paths if they are available.

  • Make sure your cyclists understand traffic safety rules, such as riding in the same direction as traffic and stopping at all stop signs and signals. Explain the importance of wearing a bike helmet to your child. They’re critical to minimizing injury in case of a crash. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, wearing a helmet can reduce the odds of head injury by half.

  • Ride focused and alert. Never use earbuds or electronics while riding.

School Bus Safety Tips

  • Always stop for school buses.

  • Keep track of time. Be aware of the time of day you’re on the road and how that coincides with the school day. More school-age pedestrians are killed from 7 to 8 a.m. and from 3 to 4 p.m. than any other hours of the day.

  • Slow down. Whether in a school zone or residential neighborhood, drivers should keep their speed low and be prepared to stop quickly for increased vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Come to a complete stop – Always come to a complete stop, checking carefully for children on sidewalks and in crosswalks before proceeding.

  • Eliminate distractions. AAA says research shows that taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chances of crashing. Children can be quick, crossing the road unexpectedly or emerging suddenly between two parked cars. Reduce risk by not using your cell phone while driving.

  • Obey traffic signs and signals.